We're Not Friends

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I was snapped back into reality from the call of my name. We were all in the boardroom at the time. I had been seated in the same rotating chair at the end of the table for the past forty-five minutes, discussing the importance of Oscorp Industries and the changes that'll take place due to the new CEO. Blah blah blah, who really gives a shit? Anyway...

"Sir?" I said to Mr.Osborn.

"Are there any questions about your new position?" Osborn said.

"Um new position, sir?" What the hell is he talking about???

He sighed in annoyance. "I would appreciate if you would listen the first time I give an order, Ms.Faye. Instead of planning your entire weekend in your head." Mr.Osborn said agitated.

I was offended he didn't have to embarrass me in front of everyone like that, but to be honest with myself, I wasn't really paying attention to all their corporate mumbo-jumbo anyway.

"My apologies, Mr.Osborn. It won't happen again." I stated with a forced smile.

He just did a half of a nod and smirked. "Now as I was saying, Ms.Faye, you will take over the role as my...."personal" chemist. Where you will work on a tip top experiment, for medicinal purposes of course."

What like Norman did?

"Of course, Mr.Osborn. Anything else?" I asked sort of harshly, but not too rude. He grinned and shook his head slightly.

"That'll be all, Liliya." He said letting my name role off his tongue like Egyptian cotton. I picked up my briefcase and stormed out of the boardroom as everyone was still watching only me like a ticking time bomb.

"Uggghhh he is just so impossible! How dare he talk to me that way?! Than he had the high nerve to address me by my first name! GOD I could just punch him in that... Hot face of his!" I screamed silently to myself as I jotted back to my office, which happened to be just a few doors down from Mr.Osborn's. I just can't catch a break can I?

As I enter my office, which is quite spacious, I get another text from Peter.

"Hey, what happened this morning?

"Sorry Parker, Jason was taking me to work. Traffic was such a trifle this morning. Save any kittens today?"

"Haha no not any kittens, but there was a robbery on Wall Street."

"Good...well not good, but it's good that you saved some people lol."

"Lol you and Jason still coming to dinner with me and Gwen tonight? We're getting Italian!"

"Of course, as long as I don't get held up at Oscorp."

"No excuses! I'll see you at 8:00."

"Ok ok! See you at 8:00 Parker!"

There was a knock at my door. "Come in!" I smiled at the sight of Gwen.

"Morning Gwen, what's up?" She smiled as I walked over to her.

"Morning Lily. Harry says that he wants you in his office immediately." She says as her smile fades. I frowned, "Harry? The Osborn kid?" She nodded. It wasn't very odd for Gwen to pop up at my office, letting me know that someone was in need of me. I didn't have an assistant, which in my opinion was quite cheap of Oscorp. Maybe now there was a new boss in town I could harass Osborn for one.

"Why can't he just come down here himself? We're re only three damn doors down!" I said frustrated as I jotted towards his office.

"I'll tell you if I'm able to make it to dinner tonight with you and Peter."

I Couldn't Leave You ✑ Harry Osborn ✑ Amazing Spider-ManМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя