Chapter 39

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Another week went smoothly. I can say that I have been improved a lot in terms of my strengths and now I handle the water much easier. However, I have not yet managed to transform. I am the only one in the class who has not gained her wings but Mrs. Faragonda tries to not stress me out by telling me that the mixing of all these forces within me, makes it very difficult.

Today I am very excited because we have our first lesson in the Cloud Tower! Of course, I do not think anyone else shares my joy as I see them all quite choked from the moment they woke up. But well how bad could it go ?!

I take back what I said, it can go VERY bad ... But I am rushing ...

We got dressed and took an air bus to arrive on time even though the school is not too far away. The 4 schools are located at 4 points on the horizon and around the forest. Hogwarts to the north, the Red Fountain to the south, the Cloud Tower to the west and Alfea to the east.

At the entrance of our school, we were welcomed by the principal Griffin and the teachers Ediltrude, she teaches the preparation of elixirs, and Zalathustra, she teaches the channeling of negative magic in the first year. We followed them into the huge and scary building.

Unlike the rest of sunny Magic, the schools of magicians and witches are covered by dense clouds that bring rain and thunderstorms on a daily basis. The corridors, full of scary statues and paintings, were painted in a dull green color which logically came in to hide the mold on the walls.

The first lesson was with Professor Zalathustra. It made us all stand in front of a crystal ball and try to focus on the negative emotions we hide inside, which will be transferred to the ball and color it. The more negative the emotion, the darker the color of the sphere. We all did well except for Stella whose sphere instead of being dark, shone a golden color and blinded us.

"Miss Stella, what do you think you are doing there?" The teacher scolded her

"I do not like all this sadness and misery. It damages my skin >> she answered and continued the dazzling light

"It will record in your register and in your grades"she threatened her

<< Have you seen my grades? I think yours will fit perfectly with the ones I already had in there >>

The teacher did not pay any more attention and continued the supervision. He stopped in front of me

"Congratulations Miss Aphrodite!" I have never seen a sphere turn black. >> she said proudly << However I would recomended you to look at it because it is not good for a fairy to have accumulated so much negative energy. Did you get your wings? >>

"Not yet" I replied

<< EXCELLENT! I want you to know that we would be very interested in your case if you chose to enroll in our school >> she said full of hope until Stella rushed and hugged me protectively saying

"Aphrodite will not go anywhere!"

We were sitting in the cafeteria when the bell rang for a break at a round table near the exit. We were talking for quite some time when my eye fell on a table in the back of the room where 3 familiar presences were sitting. I nodded to the girls and they all looked at them. They seemed to be laughing at something and Icy raised her hand to cover her laughter. My eyes started to burn and I felt Stella's anger overwhelm me. I turned to look at her and saw her getting up full of nerves and heading towards the witches

"Oh no ..." Bloom commented and we got up to follow her before she did anything stupid

"HOW DID YOU GET THIS?" Stella screamed, pointing to Isy's hand, which was adorned with a glittering ring.

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