Chapter 16

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We went into our room and fell flat on any sofa we found available at the time.

"What a day ..." Flora shouted

<< Aphrodite what happened? How did you get involved with them? >> Tecna asked me

I grabbed a blanket and sat next to Flora, wrapping it around me "I do not know I just went to that alley and they attacked me" I answered "Who were they?"

<< Icy, Darcy and Stormy.Sophmore witches of cloud tower, the most famous school for witches in Magix. >> Stella answered

<< Are there schools for witches? Aren't they supposed to be evil? Why exactly do they train them? >> I commented in surprise

"Not all of them are necessarily bad" said Leila "they just prefer to draw strength from black magic"

"Prefer?" I asked

<< Yes. Being born a fairy or a witch is not final. You can turn from a fairy into a witch as long as you have not acquired your wings and from a witch into a fairy only if you are at a low level of magic. >> Bloom explained

"Girls, all this is nice, but it is late and we have our first day of class tomorrow, we better go to bed" announced Tecna and got up. We all agreed and said good night to each other.

Layla, Flora and I, got up at 7 and started getting ready for class. I had not unpacked yet so I opened one of my suitcases and put on a black blouse and jeans (top photo)

Flora finished watering her flowers and Layla finished her workout so we went out to the living room to meet the others. Bloom and Tecna were arranging books and notebooks in their bags while Musa was lying on the couch with headphones in her ears, waving her leg rhythmically and singing softly. When they saw us, their eyes fell on what I was wearing

"What happened?" I asked

"Nothing" Musa replied "just ... you wear black and here we are not used to it"

<< Why ?? >>

<< Black is considered the trademark of witches. All the dark colors, basicly. >> said Layla << Of course it is not forbidden to wear it at school, it just is unusual for a fairy >>

"Ready to leave?" I asked, choosing to ignore the nonsense I had just heard.

"WAIT A MINUTE!" Stella was heard from her room. We opened the door and still saw her with her pajamas holding 2 hangers in her hands. She turned to us and said

<< Which do you think is best for the first day? And Aphrodite >> she turned her head a little "why are you wearing black?"

After a while we managed to take her out of her closet and go to the dining room to eat. This time, we were only 5 minutes late and sat as far away as we could from the teachers' desk who were looking at us a little angrily.

"What a nice impression we gave to them ..." Tecna commented ironicly

Mrs. Faragonda got up from her seat and said in a loud voice

<< Good morning girls. I hope your first night at our school was like you have dreamed of. Now that we are all here >> she looked at us << we would like to announce that tonight will be the ball for the new school year. As every year, the lessons do not take place today but we all help in the preparations as they will welcome the Red Fountain. >> Excited cries were heard in the area by all the students. What is happening?, I wondered << However, something will change this year. In an effort to bridge our relationship with wizards and witches, we will also have Hogwarts school guests. The Cloud Tower did not accept our invitation. >> now absolute silence prevailed in the room. "In conclusion, the lessons will not take place today and as soon as you finish your meal go to fill in the form in the main hall for what responsibility you will take" she said and sat down to continue her breakfast.

"Why should they call Hogwarts?" Stella said, obviously alienated

"What is this?" I asked

"It's one of the four schools in Magix, like the Cloud Tower, only it is for warlocks."

"Yes, and the fourth is the Red Fountain for specialists," Stella interrupted, making an expression as if she were dreaming.

"What are specialists?" I continued the questions. I felt bad flooding them with questions but I had no idea what was going on

"They are the most beautiful, kind, fit, gorgeous" Stella started to say until Tecna interrupted her

"You have already said that." And she turned to me. "Specialists are warriors. The red fountain, their school, trains them to become guards of magical universe. Of the 4 schools, it is the only one that we have excellent relationships with. With the Cloud Tower you more or less understood yesterday what relations we have and with Hogwarts the situation is stagnant. This school does not cooperate with anyone. They consider the witches tragic and vicious while the other 2 schools overpriced. After some events in the previous years, they decided to establish better relations with Alfea ,so I think this dance is a way to rekindle them >>

Stella: << Ah I have to find what I will wear! Brandon will be there too >>

"And Sky," Bloom added with the same flirtatious look.

"Is there anything we should know?" Flora asked slyly

"You will meet them there" said Stella and winked at us

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