Chapter 21

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We were bathed in cold sweat.

We saw the specialists open the trunks, take out the now pink eggs and distribute them to the fairies. Stefan approached me and gave me one, telling me to turn it gently and at that moment the top disappeared and bright pink butterflies spilled around me. And it's not just me. All the fairies squealed excitedly, hugging and thanking the specialists for their gift. I was looking at the roof with a smile, that was no longer visible from the swarm of butterflies, when my eyes started burning again and I turned to the boy I knew was causing me this reaction. I caught him looking at me and when he saw me with my eyes shining, his gaze remained there. A hand took me out of my peace and turned my attention to Stella who pulled me out to take a group photo with the girls and the specialists. Before I left, I turned to look at Ares again but he was disappeared, so I followed Stella.

The time passed, it was almost midnight, and our guests decided it was time to leave.

<< I was very happy to meet you Aphrodite. I hope to see you again soon>> Stefan told me and greeted me

"Wow" Flora teased me "What is this hovering in the air?"

"I think it's called love," Bloom replied, tickling me

"Ha Ha Ha ... no girls you are wrong" I told them laughing as I tried to escape from Bloom. At that moment the warlocks passed by us and I saw the company of Ares. Joaquin greeted me and I greeted him back while Ares did not even look at me. For some reason I did not want them to leave like that, so I called him as the rest of his classmates was passing through the gate for their school. "ARES!" I approached him and he turned to look at me

<< What? >> he asked

"I did not thank you for saving me before on the balcony."

"It was not something important, do not even think about it" he replied and went to leave but he regretted it and told me

"Oh and one more thing" he approached me a little more "stay away from my mind and my thoughts"

"What?" I asked him

<< You heard me. If I see your eyes turn purple again and you look towards me, you will have to deal with me >> he said threateningly and approached me again, reaching a point of breath from my face. With one movement I put my hand on his chest and push him gently back, saying ironically:

<< No problem. There is nothing intresting in there anyway >> I turned my back on him and left. He did not follow me or say anything. I did not want to tell him that I could not read his mind. I did not want him to have such an advantage over me.

I approached the girls and saw Layla holding a bouquet of flowers.

<< Where did you find these? >> I asked her

"Nabu gave it to her," Stella said, shaking her eyebrows conspiratorially and approaching Layla, who seemed irritated.

"Who is he?" I asked

"A warlock," she replied, "I accepted without making a scene to show respect for Mrs. Faragonda's effort, but this guy didn't leave me alone not even for a minute! He kept asking me to dance or talk or go for a walk etc >> she listed everything he asked her during the ball. I felt that no matter how annoyed she looked, she was actually very happy.

"And now" she continued "he saw me and did a magic trick, showing me a bouquet of flowers and greeting me hoping to see me again soon"

<< And what is wrong with that? He looks very sweet and caring to me>> I answered

"It is against the rules," Tecna replied

"Which rules?"

They all turned and looked at me strangely until Bloom decided to speak:

"It is explicitly forbidden by law for a fairy and a warlock to have any kind of love relationships"

And at that moment for some reason I felt like I was losing the earth under my feet

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