Chapter 11 - Talk

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After jumping over the rooftops for a few minutes the two heroes of Paris dropped on the balcony of the Dupain-Cheng bakery.

As soon as their feet touched the ground their transformations fell leaving behind Marinette and Adrien.

"That was some reason to be akumatized," he chuckled, "A chocolate craving." He was trying to melt the slightly tense atmosphere around them.

"Yeah it sure was," She gave a soft giggle, "But there was a fight nonetheless. Well done, you did well Kitty."

His eyes glittered, "You weren't too bad yourself Bugaboo."

She gave a playful frown while groaning, "Already with the nicknames?" She would never admit that she enjoyed his puns and nicknames.

"Of course!" He smiled brightly at her. "It's the best bit of our conversation!"

They both started laughing together. "Well, I'll hurry downstairs and get some things from the bakery."

There was suddenly an excited squeal, "Can you get cookies?" Tikki was hovering in the air in front of the two teenagers.

Marinette smiled, "Of course Tikki." She looked at the little black cat floating next to her, "And what would you request noble black cat of destruction?" She asked playfully.

Adrien gave her a little frown, "Hey! You call him noble? And me?" He gave a small giggle.

"Don't worry, you'll always be my favorite black kitty," She gave him a small peck as his green eyes glittered.

"Please..." Plagg gave a disgusted groan, "I want some Camembert and that's enough for me thanks."

"Plagg! Leave them be!" Tikki gave him a dirty look, "And why do you still love that stinky, disgusting cheese," She added exasperated.

He glared at her, obviously because she insulted his Camembert.

"I'll go get everything you requested then," She gave a little curtsy. She walked away giggling.

God I love that girl. Adrien let out a lovesick sigh while looking out into the light filled city.

"Oh no. I can't stand it when you go all mushy on me lover boy," Plagg gave out another groan.

"Plagg! Leave him be!" Tikki started scolding him again.

Marinette was skipping her way around the kitchen while looking for everything she promised to bring upstairs. Croissants, cookies, hot chocolate, macaroons... and Camembert! She had had all the nibbles that were requested and brought it all upstairs on a small platter.

"Ohhh!" Adrien immediately stuffed a chocolate croissant into his mouth. His face lit up at the delicious taste of the treat.

"Thanks Marinette," Tikki gave her a smile and zoomed towards the bowl of mini chocolate chip cookies.

Marinette handed Plagg the wheel of camembert and even he repaid her with a small muffled, "Thanks."

She then sat herself down and grabbed a plain croissant and started nibbling at it.

"Mhhh! This is so good!" Adrien couldn't stop complimenting the goods, "Can I take another one?"

Marinette giggled at him, "Be my guest."

He gave her a small smile before biting into the passion fruit macaroon he had picked up. He let out another groan of pleasure.

Once all the food was finished the two heroes sat next to each other on the balcony with a steamy mug of hot chocolate in their hands.

"I'm so glad I finally know who you are and I couldn't be happier that you are M'Lady," Adrien smiled at Marinette who's cheeks were now dusted with a pink blush.

"Me too," She gave a soft laugh, "To think it was really you," She looked at him.

His face was now also slightly flushed. His eyes were filled with his love for her. He slowly leaned in craving another touch of her sweet lips.

She kissed him back passionately without hesitation.

They only broke the kiss for their need of oxygen their foreheads touching looking at one another with a small smile tugging at their lips.

They shared another passionate kiss before deciding to go inside because of the cold wind blowing in the night air.

It was still eleven and they sat on the chaise in the middle of the room. Marinette cuddled into the side of Adrien, slowly drifting off to sleep.

Adrien looked at her. So peaceful and beautiful, slumbering next to him. He gave her a small kiss on the forehead and leaned back.


A/N: Hi everyone! I'm so sorry this chapter was shorter it just felt right to end it there. I'll try post the next chapter sooner to make up for it :D

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