Chapter 24 - Looking for Home

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"Hi Adrien! You seem better." Marinette had seen Adrien arrive from where she stood at the top of the stairs of the school entrance.

Adrien smiled at her, "Yeah. Nathalie let me walk to school and she even ate breakfast with me. It's a nice change to not always be alone."

Marinette smiled sadly at how much he had been starved of family attention. "Come on, let's go inside kitty."

"Whatever you say princess," He slipped his hand into hers and they leisurely walked through the school doors.

When they got to the classroom they were greeted by Alya, Nino and Chloé who were all sitting together at one desk.

"Hey guys," Marinette waved to them.

As soon as Alya heard Marinette's voice her head whipped up and she stared at her with wide eyes.

"Umm... Everything okay Alya?"

Nino and Chloé were also staring at her with wonder.

Alya cleared her throat, "Yeah, yeah. But girl, we need to talk. All of us."

Marinette wasn't sure how to react so she gave her a confused nod and walked over to her desk. Adrien followed her and took a seat in Alya's spot.

"Marinette. Umm... I was just wondering whether you wanted to come with me this afternoon? Nathalie and me are checking out some apartments where we could go live since... since Nathalie won't be able to keep up with the checks if we're living at the mansion." He looked at her questioningly, "So, will you come?"

"Of course, Adrien," She smiled and squeezed his hand, "I don't have anything else to do anyways."

Adrien smiled, "Great thanks." He walked to his own spot next to Nino.

Not much later Ms. Bustier walked into the class and everyone quieted down.

The lesson was mildly interesting and Marinette managed to stay focused for the first time in a while. This time however it seemed that Alya was the distracted one. She kept glancing at Marinette who tried to ignore her as much as possible so she could stay caught up with the class for once.

After a few more slow passing classes (in Alya's opinion), it was finally lunch. Alya stood up quickly, grabbing Nino's hand and urging Marinette, Adrien and Chloé to hurry up.

"Hey, maybe we could head to the bakery," Marinette suggested while packing up her things.

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea," Adrien agreed.

It was decided. The five headed to the best bakery in Paris to get lunch.

When they arrived Sabine and Tom greeted them. "Hello guys, what would you like for lunch?"

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