Chapter 2 - Crush

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A/N: Hi, I'm back with a new chapter! (I know, so soon????) I'm sorry this chapter is short but I promise that later into the story the chapters get longer. 


Chloé had let Ladybug in and now they were sitting far across from each other.

"Why did you come Ladybug?" Her voice was genuinely curious but she hid it with an annoyed tone. "I outright disobeyed you." She looked down and she tried not to look ashamed but it didn't matter.

"I know you did but sometimes we make a mistake in the heat of the moment," Ladybug gave her a reassuring smile.

"But what if it wasn't a mistake?"

"All you have to know is that I still trust you. I didn't stop giving you your Miraculous because you aren't worthy of it but because if you did use it, you could put all the people that you are close to in danger."

Chloé had a worried look in her eyes, "Even Adrien?"

Ladybug inwardly cringed at that question but gave her a small nod.

"I understand. I'm sorry." Chloé now truly did look sorry and Ladybug gave her a reassuring smile.

"I'll be on my way then." She waved and flew off into the darkening city.

Ladybug dropped on her bed and detransformed. She was again drained of energy and did not enjoy the slight argument with Chat. She knew none of it was his fault but he really should not think of her so highly.

She decided to take a nap before it was time for dinner but was surprised to hear her alarm ringing to wake her up. She looked out the window and realised it was morning and that she must have slept through dinner. She was, for that matter not surprised that, before she walked out the door to school, her parents asked her if she was alright.

"Yes I'm fine! Just a bit tired." She quickly answered.

They did not looked reassured but anyways responded, "If you say so Honey."

She arrived at school and walked towards her waiting friends. "Hey girl!" Alya looked a lot less tired and so did everyone else. She was standing with Nino, waiting for her.

"Hey Alya, hey Nino!" She greeted her friends, smiling as she saw that they were holding hands. "You two are so cute together!"

Their reaction was hilarious to watch. Alya glared daggers into Marinette, with a light blush covering her cheeks, while Nino turned beet-red and starting finding his shoes extremely interesting.

Marinette giggled, "Come on let's go to class, you two."

Soon everyone was in the classroom, talking. Alya and Marinette sat down together and as usual Nino sat front of them. Adrien arrived just before Ms. Mendeleiev entered the class.

She immediately started instructing the class, "Open your tablets. You will find a new document. Open this document and scroll to page 394."

Everyone did as they were told, ready for another long day of lectures and learning.

Lunch was good. The four friends had decided to eat something from the bakery and, though with complaints, enjoyed a free lunch of quiches at the park in front of the school.

"Mhhh... This is so good!" Adrien was stuffing his mouth with as much quiche as possible at once, "Your parents should have at least let us pay."

Marinette smiled politely, "You wouldn't stand a chance." There was only a slight blush on her cheeks.

Alya was glad that Marinette had stopped acting so weird around Adrien. Maybe she wasn't lying, and she really had gotten over him, tough sometimes she still saw how she looked at him, and it would break her heart.

Nino was looking at his watch when he jumped up in surprise, "Dudes! It's nearly next lesson!"

Marinette looked at her phone and realised he was right. She quickly started packing up, Alya and Nino helping her while Adrien took the last piece of quiche and shoved it in his mouth. Then together they all ran back to school and crashed on their seats just before Ms. Bustier came in to start the class.

"Phew! That was a close one!" Alya nudged Marinette will she smiled keeping her eyes on the board.

"Yeah, now listen to Ms. Bustier before she starts scolding us." Marinette told Alya. She nodded smiling, turned her attention to the board and started writing notes down.

By the end of the school day everyone was glad that they could go home while rushing out of the classroom.

Alya seemed to be particularly in a hurry.

"Come on girl," She tugged Marinette down the stairs of the entrance.

Marinette didn't see why she was in such a hurry until she came closer to the end of the steps and froze. "W-what?"

Right at the end of the steps she saw Kagami standing and holding hands with Adrien. Then she leaned over to him and-

Marinette turned around. She didn't want to look. What she had seen was enough to break her heart in half. Sure she knew that Adrien and Kagami liked each other but Marinette still had some hope left over for Adrien. Now there was absolutely nothing left to hope for.

"Girl?" Alya's voice was gentle and questioning.

Marinette swallowed back her tears. She couldn't just break down, she already knew this was going to happen.

"Don't worry, it's fine. I've told you, I'm over him."

Alya didn't look convinced but she dropped it knowing further questioning would just make it worse.

"Well see you tomorrow then!" Alya gave her a cheerful wave.

Marinette tried to wave back with the same amount of enthusiasm but she only managed a vague, "Yeah... Bye." 


A/N: Yes, I still believe in Chloé. Anyways, bye! (Hopefully) see you soon!

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