The Kidnapper's Gala!

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"Remember the plan, guys." I stated. "Get Finland Helsinki." We dispersed. Russia described him as very tall and white with two blue stripes.

I adjusted my trusty blue tie, I got dressed up for the gala of course. The party was huge. Which was just 30 people from their school and a lot more from ours. Why did I get embarrassed? Probably because their all very high-rankers, and I'm just a lowly #22...

I sighed, glancing at a talking group. There was only one face I didn't recognize. He was blue with yellow accents. He had long yellow wings which blended well with a very dark mustard colored suit. He was my best shot at finding Helsinki faster than previously planned.


"Canada! Oh we were just introducing ourselves." Norway smiled, I fiddled my wire nervously.

"Well, of course I wouldn't expect any less." I smiled in response. "But do you mind if I creep in and steal him away for a second?" The group shook their heads and I grabbed the blue character.

"Woah! What do you need dude?" He spoke, his accent thick and sturdy.

"Oh um, my name's Canada Ottawa."

"Kazakhstan Nur-Sultan."

"Hm, pleasure." I nodded, before pulling him close to my face. "Where is Finland Helsinki?"

'U-Uh... this took a turn, hm?" He chuckled nervously, but my grasp didn't falter. I knew this guy was stronger than me, I would just have to hope he didn't know that either. 

"Tell me." My voice deepened, each minute that passes the more danger America is in.

"He didn't come to the gala! He's in his dorm like a shut-in or something." Kazakhstan admitted, I released him and he shuffled away. "Finland Helsinki is in his dorm, over." I spoke into the wire.

"Got it, meet me at the punch bowl and I'll lead you to the dorm rooms, over and out." Russia responded. I marched through the crowds. Seeing the unfortunately tall man standing over the punch bowl.

"Hey, Russia!" I called, "How's the party been for you so far?"

"Not great. The people won't talk to me. Not a single person." I know he was an ass but I pity him.

"You're changing, I can see it." I sympathized with the tall male.

He sighed, "I'm trying." The conversation ended when Japan, Germany, and India appeared. Russia led us around the punch table and to a long concrete pathway which looked like it had a different dorm on each side.

"Here." He points to the second one on the right, #23. I exhaled the breath I didn't know I was holding. Russia raised his hand and knocked twice on the tall door. A man answered it with a tired expression on his face, randomly there was a chilling breeze with the new mans presence.

"Look, the gala is over ther-..." His eyes widened when he saw us. Russia activated his power.

"Where is he, Helsinki?" Germany glared at the man.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't play dumb!" Russia barked. "It would be a shame if you were beaten up, no?" The Finnish man flinched at the threat.

"He's doing something for the better of humanity." He looked away, "It would be better to leave him be."

"Whatever your school is planning isn't good!" India raised her voice, distracting Russia for the slightest amount of time. In which, Finland used to his advantage by activating his power and creating an escape route made of ice. Before he could get too far, Russia and I were already on his tail. THANK GOD FOR HEAVY WINTERS!

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