Win For Your Worth, Canada!

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Stupid American... 'Not taking sides' ugh. I thought maybe, JUST MAYBE. I'd have at least one person rooting for me, whether it be the #1 or not...

"Ready your powers!" The #1 commanded, I looked into his eyes and a spark went up my body. Damn, his commanding voice is hot! I activated my power, immediately sending strength to my brain and fists. I'll beat this Canadian to a pulp, then everyone will most likely submit in later fights. I saw the #1 gulp nervously. "Fight!" He called. Canada didn't move. I moved some strength down to my legs, and pounced. Faster than light, not really, but you could say that. The Canadian still didn't move. He was staring at me though. What is that? A beaming light came full thrusting my way, and it didn't stop. That was.

"Canada's Lightning Attack!" Some girl in the crowd squealed. It jabbed my shoulder sending a shock down my whole body. The crowd cheered. "Win, Canada!" I heard the #5 scream, Jesus, they aren't even trying to hide their bias. Yeah, win Canada. This is your worth to your school your fighting for now. Win for your worth, Canada! My arm didn't move when I commanded it to. Shit! He got me. That fucker's gonna pay. I launched again, he looked shocked this time. I pulled my fist back for a punch but it seems like the Canadian didn't plan on missing his first shot so his body was going into a panic. His power seemed to hit a reflex. The lightning came from all different areas of his body, they were weaker than his first shot. I can just tough through it, I kept running. My vision blurred and buzzed, wow electricity isn't something to mess with... noted. The panic set in on his face. I pulled my fist back again, and this time I hit his face. He went flying backwards, obviously not getting up soon. I walked over to his body lying there, one last time I pulled my fist back. Someone grabbed it, stopping it from moving.

"Stand down, Russia Moscow." #1 ordered. I turned to him, looking in his eyes. Before inhaling in the sharp pain of the shock that hit my arm. The American sighed, "Give me a second, and I'll bring you to the nurse." He whispered, I looked at him.

"Number One, there are students out there who can heal me, why-?"

"Russia Moscow, nobody, and I mean, nobody in that crowd wants to heal you." I straightened up, and looked among the circle. China, had his face in his palm. The other three stared down at Canada dejectedly. I skimmed over the crowd, they had faces of disgust and disappointment on their face. #1 grabbed my hand, "Please, welcome the new #21 of Pangea Academy... RUSSIA MOSCOW!" He announced, holding my hand up. The crowd didn't cheer... they booed. My anger boiled up. "Excuse me! How dare you all? Russia Moscow beat Canada Ottawa fairly! So you will treat him as your new #21." #1 scolded the crowd, but I could see, his eyes were draped over with sadness. "Please, Norway, heal Canada for me will you?" A small country walked forward and while he passed #1 he murmured, "No one blames you America, you had to take his side as #1." and walked down to the beaten Canadian. #1 pulled me through the crowd of glares.

. . .

"Ah, Canada's Shock can do that to people." Ms. WHO chuckled. She activated her power and the numbness of my arm started fizzing away.

"So, who'll you go after next?" America was leaning the windowsill staring down at the courtyard with pure worry in his eyes.

"Probably the top five." I responded. He sighed.

"Just lie down and you should feel better soon, I need to go... uh- talk to UN." Ms. WHO quickly nodded goodbye then exited the room.

"She's gonna tell him." America said, slowly thumping his way towards me, to look me in my eyes.

"T-Tell him what?" I... stuttered...?

"Ms. WHO is gonna tell Headmaster UN about you targeting the top five. He won't allow that." He explained, suddenly grabbing my numb hand. He played with my fingers. Splitting them apart and putting them back together again, I blushed profusely. Focused on the hand and not so much his words, he stated, "He doesn't like violence despite being headmaster." After he played with my hand for a little longer, #1 snapped out of it and dropped my hand, murmuring a quick 'sorry' and stepping away.

The door smashed open. Frightening both of us. Four people walked in, Ms. WHO and Mr. UN, as well as two other organizations.

"Ah! You must be the fierce Russia everyone's talking about! Mr. NATO's my name. This is Mr. NORAD, him and I run the power classes." He smiled down at me. I looked past them, Ms. WHO was standing beside Mr. UN... holding #1 by the collar. I stood up.

"You did it, didn't you? There's no other way!" Mr. UN yelled in #1's face.

"I-I didn't, I swear, Headm-master." #1 choked out, someone so confident... reduced to this, it sends shivers up my back and I couldn't help a smile. I hope one day I make #1 shake in fear instead. But right now I was worried. My smile dropped and I stepped forward. UN's eyes glowed as he activated his power. "Wait- Please, don't..." #1 whimpered. #1's eyes started to glow with UN's. #1 gasped, he started shaking. He screamed in pain and bent over, clutching his head.

"What are you doing to him!?" I yelled, rushing over to the American, holding his crumpled over body, he was still shaking and gasping for breathe. UN seemed to break out of his livid daze. Amerika fell into my hold, panting. I glared at the organization.

"So you didn't America. Good." UN stated, he got 'ahemed' by Ms. WHO, "Sorry."

Amerika buried his shaking head into my chest. I stood up, with #1 still leaning onto me.

"Take him to his dorm, will you, Mr. Moscow?" Ms. WHO asked politely. I started out of the room with him at my side and his left arm draped over my shoulders so I could still support him.

"What was that power?"

"The... strongest one you'll ever see..." #1 sighed.

"What did he do to you?" I looked at the smaller boy, he kept his eyes glued to the ground as though if he looked up for a second UN would slit his throat.

"That's not important. All you need to know is that he has no mercy for strong people like you and I." #1 paused, then continued his little rant, "He believes that if you're truly strong you can withstand his power... That's why he doesn't believe I am truly strong." He murmured the last bit but I could pick up on his disappointment.

#1 if you manage to beat me in the rank battle that we WILL have you're strong but to keep your composure in times of worry and fear...

I believe you are truly strong.


Y'all they kickin' it off bois

just you wait though I won't give you love that easily, this isn't A Stupid Highschool Crush after all.

Also yes, that was a book plug. If you like Yandere Russia and Stupid Oblivious America then check it out!! Here's a doodle from this chapter because why not? (Also America literally looks like garbage in this picture I was testing stuff out for his character design but lord is the American flag hard to work with so take a badly done country HUMANS instead :p )

(also I privated Twists and Turns because I want to finish everything before posting another chapter)

xoxo, please remember to vote and share, it helps my reach!

[WORD COUNT: 1307]

Pangea Academy's Number One! (BOOK 1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن