The First Of Many!

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The wind was colder than usual, it smacked the lightly dressed students in the face as they quickly made their ways to class. But for many they stopped and wished luck to the champion of the day. My brother. Canada Ottawa. Fighting that jerk.

"Canada! Hey, it's time for second period." I told him. He sighed but smiled and followed me to the science room.

. . .

"I'm sure everyone wants to wish their luck to Canada but please, it's class time!" Ms. NASA tried to settle the class down, they were all grouped up around the Canadian who sat at the front. China from the back chuckled, while I just looked on worriedly.

"It's been a while since the last rank fight, especially when everyone wanted one person to win." China sighed happily, nonetheless you could see it. You could feel it. The nervousness wafting itself among the students. This battle won't just be for Canada but for the school itself. Will this man be able to beat #21? There's no way...

That the answer isn't yes.

. . .

The last period. Each minute that clicks audibly on the clock the more anxious I get.  

"Now, I know that the battle for rank is happening later today, so I won't hold you. As your power training teacher, it's important that you all see these events. And for Mr. Ottawa. You rest up for these events." Mr. NATO waved us all out of his classroom. Each kid had a glimmer of excitement in their eyes as they walked through the doors out into the courtyard, where the fight will be happening. China paced next to me, we had to be there as the top-rankers. My stomach tightened. The cold air mixed with the tension did not feel good on my already queasy self.

"Everything alright, Starboy?" China sent a solemn gaze to my direction.

"I don't think I can come, I think I might be sick." I responded, pulling my hand to cover my mouth.

"Starboy, you have to come! You're the #1! Do you really not have any faith in Ottawa?"

"I have nothing but faith in him!" I grunted back at him, "It's just... Nevermind. You're right, I have to be present. It's my duty." China nodded at my statement, as we finally see the two opponents. One looking nervously confident, and the other... just nervous. 

"You take Moscow, I can't stand him." The top-rankers were supposed to give their wishes to the fighters before the rank battle starts. Great... I'm stuck with this bozo. I made my way to the Russian, keeping my composure calm and clear.

"Russia Moscow." I greeted.

"Ugh!" He groaned and turned around to face me, "Why are you here?"

"It's manners for the top-rankers to wish the fighters luck, and reassure them that the top-rankers only wish that this fight is fair and clean, and do not care about who wins or loses."

"Snore. So, let me guess, you wanted to go and reassure your brother but you got stuck with me instead because of that Chinese bastard?" He hit the nail right on the head. I sighed. Keep up the composure, America.

"I assure you that no top-ranker cares for who wins or loses. We welcome anyone into their new rank." A breeze whipped me harshly in the face, almost as though it knew I was lying. I shivered. Russia stared down at me, his expression unreadable.

"The fight will be over quickly, you- everyone will be able to get out of this cold soon enough." He said, his face remaining stone cold. I dipped my head in acknowledgement. I walked back to the middle. The crowd was in a large circle around the two, Canada on one end and Russia on the opposite. China and I met up and then switched, I went to Canada and China went to Russia.

"Canada Ottawa." I said, I know that my façade slipped, I was worried for him. I quickly pushed myself into a hug, in which Canada responded by gratefully patting my back. So much for not taking sides. This is his first rank battle, in fact, it's my first rank battle at #1. I tightened my grip, worry controlling every aspect of my being. Canada slowly nudged me off, to not seem mean.

"I swear to god, if you get hurt Canada I will rip you limb from limb." Canada nodded profusely and chuckled.

"Thanks, lil bro." Canada smiled. I patted him on the shoulders and waved goodbye. Tears of worry threatened to spill but I yanked them back in. I will not cry.  China and I met in the middle again.

"You weren't too harsh on the guy, were you?" I smirked.

"Eh, so-so." He laughed, I sighed jokingly in response.

"Ahem. Students of Pangea Academy!" I announced. The crowd perked up and started clapping and cheering, which was a sight that made me smile, nothing gets people together more than a rank battle. Unfortunately, it was my brother's rank battle. 

"Alright, alright!" China called, making a wave of hush fall over the students. "This is one of our first rank battles in a while!"

"So, let us refresh you all on the rules!" I carried on, "Each opponent will attack each other spontaneously until the other... submits, faints, or..." I looked at Canada. "Gets severely injured..."

"When, America tells the fighters to start they may start their journey," China rehearsed from memory. We turned around and made our way to the top-ranker's area where Germany, Japan, and India were waiting. Once we were in our spots, I took 5 steps forward.  I looked to my right, a stone-faced Russian. I looked to my left, a panicked Canadian.

"Ready your powers!" I ordered. My voice sounding more commanding than I meant. Russia's eye glowed whilst he activated his power. I gulped, Canada readied his power with a few shocks sparking off his body. Here we go.... No sides will be taken America...



xoxo, please remember to vote and share, it helps my reach!

[WORD COUNT: 1019]

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