40. G! Don't!

Começar do início

"G! Don't!" He yells, grabbing my wrist so I pause for a moment. "The minute you show up ready to kill him is the moment we lose everything. I understand that he deserves to die, but we need to make sure that his allies are going to switch to our side or will reveal themselves right away before we can kill him. I don't want to see you blind sided by the people in our mafia devoted to him purely."

Taking a moment, I turn back to him, "Don't you think I know all of that! This idiot just declared war with me though, and I will return the favor one way or another." My voice turns as cold and deadly as my eyes, "That bastard will lose someone else today!"

I wrench my wrist out of his grip as I stomp out the doors. My anger simmers below the surface, and I could blow up at any moment from anything, so I make my way to the gym. I don't even bother warming up, I just go straight to the punching bag and start in on it.

I can't believe that bitch just killed the "love of his life" because I rescued all of us from him. You'd think he'd have some sympathy for the monster he created. Now I have to actually give a crap that she died because she was actually being a mother and protecting me from all of the insanity that is in this world.

Pain! I need to give someone some form of pain! Well, looks like I'll be taking my first job in months. I was hoping to finish my actual work today, but I need to kill some bastards.

Pulling out my list of names, I mark all of the ones that have a relationship with my sperm donor. They will use that to try and take me down, so I will kill them now and avoid the trouble later.

I grab some of my favorite weapons for this mood, before sneaking out of the house and into a car with no plates. Blasting my favorite angsty song, Choke by I don't know how but they found me, I jam out on the way to my first stop.

Reaching my first stop, I see some of my brother's men standing watch outside the gates of the huge mansion. Keeping an eye on the place, I pull my phone out dialling his number. "Are you protecting Gary?" I whisper yell the moment the receiver picks up.

A voice that is definitely not Mark's replies, "Well, well, well you aren't even going to say hello to your dear old dad?"

Fuck! I left him without protection at their headquarters! "Oh hey Jackson! What are you doing with Mark's phone? Is he there with you? I need to talk to him." I cheerily talk to my sperm donor, hiding my need to barf behind my words. Although I couldn't help but hear the angry huff when I wasn't pissed at him.

"Nahh, he forgot his phone in his office and you called right as I was passing by, so I picked up for him. What did you need? Maybe I could help." His voice is calm, but the rush to end the conversation is obvious.

"Ooh, maybe. So I was doing some work and I found out that one of our enemies is making a move against Gary soon. I wanted to make sure we placed some reliable men with him because of your... 'relationship'." I reply with a twinge of hope in my voice, but end cautiously letting him know I know about their relationship.

He obviously mutes the phone for a minute, but I don't let him have the satisfaction. "Jackson? Hey Jackson! Are you still there?"

"Yes darling, I was just passing your orders on to the men here." He says reassuringly.

I internally groan at the name, "Alright, well I'll be there in a bit."

I hear him start to say something, but stop. When he finally speaks his annoyance is barely hidden, "Well see you soon then honey." I don't respond and just hang up.

With that I rush back to my base, so I can hack a few things to see where my brother really is. The drive only took me 2 minutes with my speed over 300, so I rushed into the mansion and straight to my state of the art computer room.

The door to the room is unlocked and I hear voices coming from it, "Fucking shit!" an angry voice sounds from the room.

I step closer to it to listen a little more, "who is it?" a different voice asks nervously.

"He's a friend of Jackson's, Gary!" The first voice yells out.

At this point I step into the room, "what the hell is going on!" I notice that it's Rosie and Ruby in the room alone, "where the hell is Thea and Stacy!"

Ruby tenses elbowing Rosie, murmuring, "See! I told you we should have called her!"

Rosie rolls her eyes, "Stacy is picking up Jace, and Thea was kidnapped by this guy."

I glance at the picture recognizing the man I was about to kill earlier holding a cloth over Thea's mouth. "Fuck! Fuckity! Fuck!" I grab my hair in frustration. Making a snap decision, I grab the next computer, giving out orders as I login. "Ruby, call Stacy. If she doesn't pick up or call back in two minutes tell me. Rosie track Mark, Jackson picked the phone up for him earlier, and I know somethings wrong there. I'll check to see where and what Gary is doing now. Hopefully we'll have them back with us soon."

We each get to work, but don't find any clues about Mark's whereabouts or Stacy's. I manage to track down Gary, but he's enjoying some meal at a restaurant, so he won't lead us to them yet.

I decide that Mark's boyfriend needs to know what's going on, so I pull my phone out and call him. "Hey G what's going on?"

"Hey John or should I say Paul wink wink." I say jokingly.

There's a laugh on the other side of the line, but he becomes serious two seconds later. "We both know something is wrong, so what is it?"

I cringe at the straightforwardness, while walking out of the room, because I know that Mark doesn't want them to know yet. "Well, this is a little awkward to talk about, especially because of how I convinced you to join me, but umm you're dating a Mark right?" I pause long enough for him to grunt in reply before continuing, "Well I'm pretty sure my sperm donor just kidnapped him and 3 others."

I hear a crash from the other side of the phone, but I don't ask about it. I know he's a pretty violent person, so this is his normal reaction. His voice comes back a moment later, "What's the plan?"

Appreciative of his response, I tell him to get his ass over here so we can work on it together.


The next chapter may take a minute, but it will be eventful.

See you in the next chapter!

The GhostOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora