Chapter 24

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^^^^ Peeps marshmallows that Esmerelda-Antoinette likes^^^^

Esmerelda- Antoinette's POV:

It's been around 3 hours since I fixed up Dante's knife wounds with stitches. We're all sitting quietly at 3 am altogether, some wounded others concerned, some suspicious, and then me. I can hear the tall standing clock ticking away as Lorenzo and Alberto burn their gazes into me.

"So Esmerelda why were you awake at such a late time. Don't you remember the rule that bedtime is at 10 pm.?" Lorenzo breaks the silence. He didn't use the words Bambina, Principessa, or Tesoro. This means only one thing. I am in trouble.

"Yes well, I needed some water. I was quite parched." I say as sweetly as possible to avoid any conflict in the very near future.

"Reasonable. Now my second question is how did u know how to fix a dislocated shoulder and stitch knife wounds. You did it almost as well as Vincenzo and Valentino. Have you done it before?" He asked. This is bad.

"Oh well, I have seen it in movies so I just copied it. It's my first time actually doing it." I say fidgeting a bit. Lorenzo and the rest of the family probably noticed. Oh no!

"Esme don't lie. I can tell you are lying." Lorenzo said scarily.

"Umm well my step-father, he would also come back drunk and with many wounds so he would force me to clean them for him. This used to happen very often so I decided to learn a few medical tactics." I say. I mean it isn't a lie, but it isn't the truth either. When you work in the mafia, knowing basic medical skills not to mention perhaps even further than basic like me is very important.

"Okay. See if you would have said the truth first you wouldn't have gotten two punishments." Lorenzo says meanly.

"What two punishments! Why do I get two punishments when I just woke up late to drink water!" I exclaim. This isn't fair.

"Well Bambina you were awake past 10 and you lied about how you know how to fix wounds. That earns you 2 punishments. Your first punishment is that you have to wash Dante's car. You-" I interrupt him from his speech.

"Why Dante's car?" I mean why specifically Dante.

"Because Dante loves his car and if you wash it wrong he will literally kill you. Now don't ever interrupt me" Lorenzo said sternly. I inwardly rolled my eyes.

"Yes, so where was I. Your second punishment is to run 4 laps of the field every morning for 1 week." Lorenzo said. I can't run. I am not a sporty person at all. Forget running, I get tired just walking for like 2 minutes. I'm in such bad shape it is insane. I am thirteen and I can do whatever I want. Who are they to tell me? It's about time I stood my ground.

"Look Lorenzo, brother, I know I am younger than you but I am already thirteen, I can take care of myself. To be honest I don't need your help." I say as a matter of factly as possible. He just chuckled kind of evilly. What's up with him.

"That's the thing. Papa and I are your legal guardians so you have to listen to us. Capire?" (Understand?) Umm no sir I don't. Come on, If you want to fight with me you're going to have to do harder brother.

"No Capire. I would be perfectly fine if you hadn't kept me in this creepy household of yours." I scream. And start coughing at the end. Have I ever mentioned I have asthma? Also, another reason why I don't ever run. The last time I participated in the 8th-grade marathon, I had an asthma attack. Not a very bright period of my life but,  it was indeed memorable. Does that mean I want to experience it again? No, Never. Of course not.

"Bambina, I dare you to step one foot outside the house. You won't even survive. I dare you." He said Bambina so his challenge is a joke. He doesn't actually think I have the guts to do this. Looky here you potato, I have been trained to fit the business and mafia life for about ever since I was born. I took in the mafia when my godfather died. You really think living by myself is more difficult than that. Tonight I am going to run away and live a free life. Without any of these unnecessary family members. Well not all of them are unnecessary. I mean they are kind of nice. They have kept me company. Eh but I am still going to run to teach them a lesson. I will let them live a painful life of a few days or perhaps weeks without me, the best person in this world. Poof! I am gone from their life. Then they will learn my importance.

"Eh whatever brother," I say in the most attitude voice I had.

"That's what I thought eh Principessa. Now go to bed." Lorenzo said in his older brother, authoritative voice. I slouched my back and headed up the stairs. I went to my room and locked it. The first thing I needed to do was prepare. I took my black briefcase-looking bag and packed my laptop and other devices. I took my yo-yo's with me as a form of weapon. I then opened my secret bag of special things. Those special things are my peep's marshmallows that come in all different shapes and sizes. Easter-themed, Christmas-themed, Halloween themed you name it. I have them all. I took around 4 to 5 packets of them from my special bag and stuffed them in my bag. I put my special compartment away. I then took my black card and most importantly, I removed my necklace. The necklace that Emiliano gave me. I don't want them to track me. After I had everything set I took myself a small coat and a beanie, in case of whatever. I went to my window. I was currently on the second story. The distance was pretty big. Luckily right under me, there was a small balcony on the first floor. I first threw my bag and other stuff into the grassy patch on the ground. I then fit myself outside the window. I closed the window. Then I slid down to the first-floor balcony. Suddenly I was greeted by a wonderful flash of lightning and a whole lot of rain. Wow, 3 am, heavy rain, early spring. This is not the vibe at all my friends. Anyway, I still must complete my mission. I looked at the balcony behind me. The curtain was slightly open. Me being me I peeked to see what was there cause I have never been there. Inside I saw just an empty guest room. Nothing special until I saw it. On the table, there was a gun. Not just any gun but an ATM Backup. Why did my family have a gun? These were questions I had to ask myself later cause right now I was stuck on a first-story balcony. The two remaining moves I could perform were jumping on the patch of grass or jumping on the concrete. It was a close call but I jumped and rolled onto the grassy floor. I was a muddy mess because the grass had gotten wet from the heavy rain. I took my bags and walked to the short fence. I deleted my stuff on the other side of the fence. Then I slowly fit myself through the gaps between each rod. Being extra skinny and unfed does have its advantages, my friends. Once I was in a safe area on the side of the road, I did what I had to do. I called one of my assassin friends to pick me up. I befriend everybody who works for me. That is why I have one of the two best mafias cause everybody trusts me. I take out my phone in the pouring rain. I am super cold. Luckily with my handy jacket, I am a little more covered. I dial the number and I hear a voice pick-up.

"Yes, boss." The low, scary voice says. Why is he calling me boss? Oh, probably cause I am calling him from the business phone.

"Just call me Esme. I don't have my personal phone with me right now. I need you to pick me up. I am cold in the rain and I need a place to stay because even if I have money, I don't want to sleep by myself in the thunder. So could I like to stay at your place? PMG I could stay at the assassin dorm with all of you. It will be like a grand sleepover. Tell one of the hackers to track my phone and get here as soon as possible. I am cold Ekon. Hurry Up. Thank you, you're a lifesaver." I say.

"Yes, I am coming. Already tracked your location while you were talking. See you soon." He hangs up.

Author's Note:

Hello Shadies. I haven't updated in 10 days. I apologize. I had a lot of exams and tasks due for school that I didn't have time to complete the chapters. I will try updating 3 chapters this week to make it up to you guys. Bye beans. Please like, comment, read, vote, and follow beanies. 


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