Chapter eleven-Every Mission Is Dangerous

Start from the beginning


Floors, big floors, multiple big, very big floors. All the paperwork, and the inspections, and verifications, he was going to die. On the other hand he could call Sandaime for help. "No" The blonde shook his head. "Absolutely no." Sarutobi-sama had had his fair share of work. Now it was his duty. He was definitely going to die. "Come on Minato, don't be such a sorehead." Kushina pated his back rather forcefully. You yourself decided to take this up. "I had no idea there were this many things in there." Kushina was at her husband's office as he went though all the documents concerning the secret rooms behind the stronghold behind the Hokage faces.

Of course, knowledge of their existence was classified and the reevaluation of the place itself and the contents inside was also kept a secret. There was no need for diplomatic discussions concerning the village's safety, or secrets going out, or Konoha going over and adding to it's military power, which, with the event after some time... "There is a lot Kushina!" "Come on. There can't be that many things in there?" She really had no idea how far the rooms even reached inside the mountain, forget the stuff inside. "NOT many?! NOT many!! Shall I name a few." "Minato there is really no need-" Kushina tried to spare herself. "Here are some..

Starting from the easy ones. Thera are countless old era and our era weapons, kunais, shurikens, makibishis. Who uses makibishis today!!!" "You're over exaggerating." Kushina said confident, thou completely aggreging with Minato. "There also are nunchakus, bows and arrows, sickles and staffs and spears and versions of them with chains, swords, cleavers." He said in one whole breath. "Lets not forger about ninja battle armours from all the clans and single parts like gauntlets or respective banners, including Leaf's." "Can't you give them to the clans? They should figure out what to do with their own stuff, like put it in use again. The shinobi world is still dangerous." Kushina suggested. 'Good idea.' Thought Minato. 'They can take care of their own stuff.'

"There is also practical stuff we can actually put to use. There are dust bomb in good shape and surprisingly chili bombs, a lot of them, that can still be effective." "Chilli bombs? Why does Konoha have chilli bombs?" "Having a good land/terrain, may... have contributed to their mass production." Minato responded. "They don't seem like something un-hand-able, you can manage." She backed up her Hokage. "Oh no, I'm just about starting with technical staff." "There's more??" Kushina really didn't have the mental capability to deal with all that. "Do you want to know where the kids are?" "With Jiraiya-sensei, advancing their water walking and sneaking skills. You told me already. Listen." Kushina wanted to protest. Why was she there in the first place?

Minato cleared his throat. "Back then Konoha had Chakra Blades. We still had them twenty years ago in the anbu when I was still in the department, I remember being on a mission and giving mine to the princess of Roran at the time to seal the Rymyaku's uncontrollable chakra. I think she is still around." "Princess? What princess?" Kushina asked, clearly not having heard the toponym. "Anyway." Minato ignored the question. "I don't know why Sandaime-sama latter removed them. We have some damaged kunai launchers. Fricking -kunai -launchers from the Land of Sky way back in the second Shinobi war." Kushina had no comment. "There also were bingo books from prior years. So many great shinobi names in them." "Was yours in there too?" Minato again evaded the question.

"Now." He said in a serious voice which got Kushina's full attention. At the same time Hiruzen Sarutobi entered the room but the sentences didn't stop. "There were a lot of other , Big Stuff, in there. We managed to rediscover several books and scrolls, similar to the Nara clan's Medical Encyclopedia, with jutsus from several clans and some with jutsus that are self created or gathered from other nations. They could make procedures more efficient and there are jutsus which capable shinobi can perform. Anything about them Sandaime-sama?" Minato asked his predecessor.

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