"Also good. Let's not get those mixed up" Jet nodded.

"We'll take the stuff back to the hideout!" Smellerbee alerted Jet.

"You guys have a hideout?" Aang questioned.

No! Not Aang too! I didn't trust this charming facade for a second.

I narrowed my eyes beneath the blindfold.

"You want to see it?" Jet asked.
I was about to deny him opening my mouth to speak, Sokka not far behind me when Katara responded,

"Yes, we want to see it!" Katara said quickly much to my dismay, and the dismay of Sokka.

It had been ten minutes of walking at most when we arrived at a clearing.

Asura proceeded to nudge me away from Jet and near Sokka.

"We're here." Jet said.

"Where? There's nothing here." Sokka stated.

"Hold this" Jet said and extended his hand which had a rope.

"Why? What's this? Ahhh!" Sokka screamed and was lifted into the trees. Sounded like it hurt.

"Aang?" Jet offered the rope.

Aang shook his head,

"I'll get up on my own" He nodded.

"What about you-" Jet trailed not knowing my name.

"Lyra." I said politely.

"What about you, Lyra?" He questioned with a hint of charm.

I shook my head,

"No, thanks. I've got Asura here and she'll get a bit jealous if I don't ride her" I explained and patted Asura's neck in assurance.

She kept bumping her head to me, urging me to get on her back.

Jet laughed, and Katara sent me a jealous look as her cheeks flared.

I ignored her as if I couldn't sense the blood and the twist of her muscles in her face.

I mounted Asura as she flapped her wings once I had secured myself.

She took a running headstart and flapped her wings as we took air.

She flew straight up making my stomach twist.

We landed on a platform with Aang on the zipline when I heard the rope retract with Katara, and Jet.

"It's beautiful up here" Katara said breathlessly.

"It is beautiful. But more importantly, the fire nation can't find us." Jet explained smiling smugly.

"They would love to find you. Wouldn't they, Jet?" Smellerbee smirked.

Jet's smile widened to a natural smirk,

"It's not going to happen, Smellerbee" Jet added.

The two walked away and I worried where the edge was. Were there even any guardrails?

Nope, looks like I'd have to use Asura.

The trees had water but so did the planks below me. Making it was almost impossible to distinguish from.

I carefully went back on Asura's back when she cooed at me curiously,

"Take me to Sokka please, Asura" I said to her softly.

We were about to take off when I heard Smellerbee's voice,

"Why not just take off the blindfold?" She asked.

Asura froze as I gave her a small pat as a signal to pause.

"It's not that simple, kid." I stated "I'm blind, and without someone by my side I'll probably walk off this tree fort" I explained.

Smellerbee nodded,

"I thought you were a waterbender" She stated.

I nodded,

"I am, but the trees, and the wood, along with the high humidity make it very difficult, and dangerous for me to take the risk" I explained, and left no room for questions.

Before Smellerbee had more questions I signaled go to Asura and we took off to find Sokka.

Hopefully the letter was wrong and it was just a coincidence.


Soooo I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Have a great day my Bookworms, and stay safe, and healthy. I'll see y'all in the next one!

The Blind WaterbenderWhere stories live. Discover now