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"Good evening, Mrs. Winters", he said with a straight face, fisting his hands. 

The elderly woman was surprised to find Damien at the front door. Melissa led Damien inside.
"Damien, what a surprise. Please come in"

He walked into the room to find William seated on the couch. He shook hands with him and proceeded to sit down.

"Damien, to what pleasure do we owe your presence?", William smiled.

"Oh, I'm afraid not Mr. Winters. You did a very good job! I was quite surprised myself", Damien crudely remarked making the couple confused.
"What...", Melissa was cut off as Damien threw a file on the coffee table.

"Mind explaining this?", he said as the couple looked more confused.

William picked up the file and Melissa moved forward to stand beside her husband. He opened it to find a picture of his granddaughter. His blood ran cold when he read further on and he felt his wife tightening his grip on him. He looked up to find Melissa's eyes in tears.

"WELL?!", Damien glared. 

"Son, please listen.....", he was cut off when Damien's phone rang. He excused himself and answered Eric's call. 

"DAMIEN! LILY'S GONE!!!", he heard Eric's voice as he froze.


Eric looked at the wrist watch and sighed as it was half past six. He wrapped up for the day, eager to go home. Something was bugging him the whole afternoon but he was busied with conferences. But all he wanted to do now was to curl up in his wife's arms. 

He greeted the security at the front building and got in his car, driving home. When he reached his neighbourhood, everything looked same yet different. He parked the car in his garage and rode up the elevator, smiling to himself.

Lily would be cooking or dancing or singing. His thoughts were swirling with possibilities when the elevator opened to his penthouse. It was silent but he knew Ryan was staying with them.

He hoped to listen to her singing voice, putting Ryan to sleep. He dropped the briefcase on the couch and took off his suit, walking to their bedroom. His heart lurched when he saw no one. 
He frowned and checked the guest room.

"Lily! I'm home", he shouted at no one in particular. 



More Silence!

Fear gripped his heart as he looked around the house. He passed the music room shouting for his wife when soft sobs reached his ears. He abruptly stopped straining his ears and he realized someone was crying. He banged open the door to see darkness. He heard a gasp when he switched on the lights. 

"Lily?", he saw some movement behind the curtain and he slowly approached it. He grabbed the curtain and moved it slowly to reveal a small body curled up. 

Ryan screamed as chill air gripped him. He thought the man was going to hurt him and starting wailing his arms and legs. Eric was shocked trying to contain him. He hugged Ryan's chill body as he brought him out. Ryan had a small cut on his lips and his eyes were red from crying so much.

"Ryan, it's me Eric....Look....Open your eyes", Eric said making Ryan stop his struggles.

"E...Eric?", he whispered, hugging him.

The poor boy was freezing and Eric thought why didn't Lily get him to a warmer place. Ryan uncontrollably cried as he remembered to tell about Lily.
"E..Eric...Lily...They t-took Lily....Eric...please"

His Innocent Wife  *(COMPLETED)*Where stories live. Discover now