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My secretary walked in with the files and was startled by the noise created by these racoons. I nodded at her and she kept the files walking swiftly out of the room. I turned to these children and sighed. They were still going on and on about and it honestly freaks the crap out of me. 

"Enough!!", I boomed and they both snapped their heads towards me.

"But hottie, you promised me that I will be your best man. Why this monkey has to ruin everything?!!!", Austin glared at my brother.

"Well, it's because I'm his brother and definitely I am not a monkey, you buffalo"

"who you calling buffalo? Ladies fall at my feet. Even if I am one, I'm better than you anyway.", Austin smirked.

"Guys, please I have work. Can you go fight near a dumpster? That way, atleast you can fit into a more perfect background. My office is not for you stupids to fight."

Austin clutched his heart faking hurt and Damien rolled his eyes.
"Anyway, Mom said that we are going to dine in with your wife's family. So get ready by 6. Mom's order.", Damien said and swiftly walked out of the room.

I have decide that I won't talk to her, touch her let alone look at her. If my family thinks they can marry me off to some gold digging bitch then I will show them that she in no way deserves me.

"So, have you seen your wife's photo? Man, she looks just like my sister. So cute, small and adorable.", Austin smiled.

His sister was 15 when she dies in an accident. Of course, Austin being him screwed that person for a lifetime in jail. But he was so heartbroken. They were really close and I had been with him to see him lose himself day by day. I also was there when he picked up himself and moved on.

"No and I am not planning to any time soon. I am not even wholehearted in this marriage."

"I know but trust me she is a goddamn angel. If you break her heart then I will break you to your bones, man.", he threatened.

I raised my eyebrows surprised as hell. He got protective over some girl above me. 

"I am going to head home. So I will catch you later", I stood up and called my driver.

"Fine, I will see you later, Eric", Austin walked out. I headed home.


My mother was waiting in my living room when I went down the stairs. I rolled my eyes, folding my sleeves as I walked down. I wore a black shirt and some washed jeans to go with.

"Ready?", she stood up excited, "I can't wait to meet her."

"Calm down, mom. It is still 6.30pm. We have more time."

"Oh come on, let's go.", she slapped my arm gently.

We went down the elevator and got inside my car. I started the engine and drove towards their house with my mom shouting the directions in my ear.

Guess she is more excited than anyone!

"So, how old is she?", I asked my mom.

"She is 18."

A child?!!

When I pulled in front of the house I was quite impressed. It was a nice individual home. Not too much and not too less. 

The door was opened by an old lady and she looked elegant. Not a day over 50. She had minimal grey hairs and beside her stood her husband. They smiled and they all hugged each other. We were invited in and we all sat down on the couch.

"Oh, this is your son? He looks more like your husband, Clara. How are you, son?", Melissa asked.

I smiled and replied ,"I'm good, Mrs. Winters."

"Oh please, call me Melissa. We are going to be family after all."

I forced a tight smile and turned to see Damien suppressing a laugh. 

"Melissa, where is your granddaughter. I'm dying to meet her.", Mom squealed.

Dad smiled and Melissa called for her. "Lily! Sweetheart, come and meet our guests."

I immediately cast my eyes downward when I heard soft padding of foot. I heard Mom's small gasp and she stood up. 
"Hello, dear. I'm Clara Grayson and this is my husband Jeremy. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"I'm Lily Winters and it's a pleasure to meet you too Mrs. Grayson.", I heard a sweet voice reply.

I felt a nudge and Damien whispered in my ear, "Look up, idiot. Mom is glaring at you."

I rolled my eyes and looked up when my breath hitched. There stood a girl and she was definitely not a child. She was a woman, a gorgeous one too. She was wearing a red dress with spaghetti straps. It did not show much of her curves but one could always say she was in great shape. 

Her brown eyes were soft, screaming innocent. Her brown hair complimented her cute heart shaped face. Her lips were full and plump, inviting me in. She fidgeted with her hands talking to my parents. She was literally an angel. 

I felt my heart beat faster. I craved her. I wanted her innocence. I wanted her

"Oh, Jeremy. She is absolutely stunning. Lily, this is my son, Eric"

She looked at me and desire churned inside of me. Her eyes sparkled and instantly looked down, pink tinting her cheeks. I smirked loving it. 

Damien stood up, grinning at me. "Hi, I am his brother Damien and it's nice to meet you."

She shook her hand, "Pleasure's all mine. I'm Lily."

"I know and I can't believe that my brother is going to marry such a beautiful lady.", he smirked.

She blushed and I couldn't help but feel a little jealous at that. He complimented but I was not even able to find words to describe her beauty. 

We all walked into the dining room and Melissa brought out the dishes with help of her granddaughter. Lily moved with grace and she carried an aura of elegance. My eyes followed her every movement and she looked up feeling my gaze on her. She blushed and sat down opposite me.

Everyone chatted except her. She spoke only when she was asked, mostly listening in on us. Well, me being me, couldn't tear my stare from her.

We stood up to leave and I was left alone in the living room with her. Her grandparents and my parents were at the door, exchanging pleasantries while Damien left early for an important work.

"Well, I'll take my leave then. See you later.", I said.

"Bye", she squeaked in an adorable voice.

I turned and was about to walk when her voice stopped me again.

"Please drive safe"

I smirked and gave a curt nod. She already cares for me and weirdly that thought gave me shivers.

A good one!

I reached my penthouse after dropping my parents off. I can't believe that she is going to stay here with me in a few days. 

I went to sleep after 2 cold showers with a particular person in my mind.  

His Innocent Wife  *(COMPLETED)*Where stories live. Discover now