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Eric tensed beside me. His grip on my waist tightened and it pained a little. I whimpered but he didn't seem to hear me. We turned to see a man with auburn hair smirking down at us. 

I placed a smile on my lips to greet him. Eric was stoic as if he would anywhere else than here. 

"Or should I say ex-bachelor....", the man trailed off giving a knowing look. 

"What the hell are you doing here?", Eric snared. The man seemed unbothered by it as if it was a routine for him to irritate Eric.

"Well, I am here because I was invited and moreover I got to see your beautiful wife here.", his eyes snapped to me, assessing me. "Hello gorgeous, I'm Clark Harrison. The CEO of Harrisons and co." He stuck his hand towards me.

I shook his hand but he surprised me by kissing my knuckles. I blushed profusely and retreated my hands shyly. "It's nice to meet you too, Mr. Harrison. Thank you for coming". 

"The hell are you thanking him? And you, stop flirting with my wife.", Eric gritted.
Clark just chuckled, "Still a baby I see. Well, I gotta go. See you later, Grayson. By the way, you look ravishing, Mrs. Grayson." The man left directing the last sentence at me, winking. 

Was that a compliment? 

I turned to see Eric burning holes on his back. I placed my hand on his shoulder and he turned to me. He smiled at me warmly making my heart skip. I heard a throat clear and turned to see Catherine grinning. I squealed and crushed her into my hug. She laughed hugging me back.

She smiled at Eric, "Hello, I'm Catherine. Her neighbor. Congratulations, Mr. Grayson."
Eric gave a firm nod and Catherine asked me to come with her. Eric gave a gentle push and muttered, "I'll see you later. Go enjoy."

I saw Ryan waiting for me. His smile stretched on seeing me and I grinned. He jumped into my arms and kissed my cheek. "You are so beautiful, Lily. Like an angel."

I giggled and thanked him. Soon after all chats it was time. Most guests bid their goodnights and we too wrapped up. Grandma hugged me and wiped some stray tears. Grandpa too was smiling, holding back Granny. Clara and Jeremy were talking to Eric and they both looked at me, smiling. I gave them a small wave. Then Eric and I got in his car heading to his penthouse.

My new home!
Our home!

I felt his gaze on me and I turned to see him staring at me. I felt a little intimidated. I was not allowed to breathe 1 cm near boys and here I was sitting next to one. 

Married to him!

'I know, you can shut up', I told my conscience.

Technically, he is a man. Not a boy.

I rolled my eyes internally and looked up at him to see him sporting an amused expression. His lips turned upwards, smirking at me. I blushed, clearing my throat. 
Suddenly the driver applied brakes and I went flying forwards.

I was about to hit the front seat when two arms wrapped around my waist pulling me backwards. I settled on a higher seat, gasping.

"What the hell?!! Lucas?", I heard a deep voice snarl above me.

"S-s-Sorry sir, just a cat passed. So I had to put brakes...", The driver, Lucas stumbled. "I'm so sorry for the inconvenience Mrs. Grayson"

"It's okay", I replied in a small voice. Only then did I realize I was perched on his lap, my back against his front and his arms still wrapped around my torso. I blushed profusely at our closeness that my whole face felt as if on fire. 

"Are you okay?", I felt his breath near my ear, tickling it. I bit my lip and nodded, looking up. His eyes darted to my lips and back up. I saw his jaw clench and it did weird things to my tummy. He shook his head a little and released me, making me sit beside him but his left hand laid on my waist. 

I tried to start a conversation because we haven't talked much. " name is Lily", I looked up shyly at him. He turned his head with an amused expression and nodded, biting his lip. It seemed as though he was controlling a laugh.

"Of course. Did you think I wouldn't even know my wife's name?"

Wife. It felt weird to hear that from his mouth. He proceeded effectively cutting me off from my thoughts.

"And I'm Eric. Eric Grayson", he smirked. I decide it would be nice to have some fun and said his same lines from before.

"Of course. Did you think I wouldn't even know my husband's name?"

His eyes turned dark and he gulped. He opened his mouth to say something but Lucas interrupted us.
"Sir, we are here"

Eric nodded getting out and helped me with my wedding dress. My jaw dropped staring at the building. It was so tall and I had to crane my neck to see the top. There on top was his penthouse. Eric led us inside and a few men came rushing out, nodding their head in Eric's direction. I turned to see they were unloading my things from the trunk. 

Woah!! When did my things were packed? I am sure my grandma and Catherine did it.

I was pulled inside the elevator and I pouted missing the chance to explore the interior. Eric clicked the floor '40' and my eyes widened. I personally thought that it would be 29 or 30. 

But 40!

I heard a chuckle and turned to see him staring at me. I blinked, "You live on 40th floor?"

I looked at him expecting an answer but he just stood there staring at me. Intensely, might I add. I shuffled awkwardly and gave a weird smile. He just shook his head and got off the elevator on hearing a 'ding'.

If the exterior had me mesmerized then the interior was over the world. I controlled my excitement and squeals that was threatening to come out. Instead I settled on a decent remark," Your house is so beautiful"

He looked at me once and walked closer, "Our house. Whatever is mine belongs to you too, angel" 

I blushed at his nickname and surprisingly loved it coming from him. I nodded my head and the elevator dinged making us turn around. Lucas stood there with my suitcases. After they placed them he flicked them off with his wrist. Eric picked them up and walked towards me.

"Come on, it is so late. I'll show the bedroom and you can explore tomorrow. Alright?"

I nodded and followed him into our room. I was beyond exhausted  He clicked it open and I did not expect that I would see this!!!

His Innocent Wife  *(COMPLETED)*Where stories live. Discover now