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It was Saturday when Lily stirred in her bed on a pleasant morning. She blinked her eyes open and looked beside to see Eric sleeping, soft snores escaping him. He looked so peaceful and Lily examined his face. Few of his bangs fell on his forehead and his eyelids prevented her from seeing his forest green eyes. His nose was sharp and his jawline could cut paper.

Suddenly he opened his eyes making the poor girl shriek and fall back on bed. He chuckled as Lily patted her chest, heaving.

"You really are a scaredy cat", his voice was hoarse and rough making Lily feel things she had never felt before. She was in a daze when he snapped his finger in front of her eyes.
"Didn't anyone tell you that staring is rude?", he chuckled.

She just rolled her eyes and got up, checking his temperature. She hummed as the soup and tablets paid off. She kept the thermometer back and turned to him who was watching her every move.
"How are you feeling Eric?" , Lily asked and he seemed to be in a deep thought before looking up at her.

"I don't feel good", he deadpanned. Lily sat on the bed beside him, leaning into him.

"Is it hurting? Are you in pain?", she mumbled. Eric captured her lips into a sweet kiss taking her breath away. She was startled but was caught in the moment to think about her morning breath. But seeing Eric he did not even care as he nibbled on her lip, pecking them twice.

"Much better now", he smirked seeing that Lily was blushing hard. Just then Eric's phone rand and he groaned picking it up. Lily left him to it and did her morning routine. She brushed her hair and went down to make breakfast. Since it was a weekend she decided on waffles and got the mixture ready. 

Just then the elevator opened making Lily pause and poke her head. Clara, Catherine and Melissa made their presence known as they were chatting and laughing. Lily squealed putting everything on the counter and practically flung herself into her grandma's arms. 

Melissa caught just in time as they both hugged each other tightly. Lily was so happy to see her even though it had only been three days since her wedding. 
"How are you, flower?", Melissa asked kissing her hair.
"I'm good, grandma", she tried controlling her sobs and turned to Clara who was smiling at her daughter-in-law. 

"Mom, how are you?", Lily asked hugging her. Clara felt warmth spread through her heart. She had always wanted a daughter with whom she could have girly talks, dress her up for dates, gossip. It was not that she loved her sons less but she always thought it would be nice to have a girl.

"I'm good, Lily. Where's Eric?", Clara asked looking around the house.
"Oh, he is upstairs, still in bed", Lily giggled and turned towards Catherine who glared at her playfully.

"I am waiting for somebody's hug and they completely forgot about me", she huffed when Lily enveloped her in a hug, laughing. She kissed her cheek, "There. I missed you all so much"

Jeremy and William entered and they too were tackled by a laughing Lily. Eric came down dressed in a suit and was surprised to see everybody. He looked at his wife working in the kitchen with Catherine and Clara. Melissa was looking around the house while Jeremy and William witnessed Eric checking his wife out. 

"Good morning, son", Jeremy smiled making Eric look at him. 
"Dad?! What are you guys doing here?", Eric felt a smack on the back of his head and turned to see his mother. 
"Can't a mother come meet her son?! Anyways, where are you going, clad in a suit on a weekend?", Clara asked confused.

"Well, my PA called as there was an urgent work at the office. I should go to solve it personally", he walked to the kitchen counter and sat on the stool. Lily and Catherine set the table for all the seven of them. They all sat with Eric at the head of the table. 

"So Catherine, where is Ryan? I miss him so much", Lily pouted as she missed her best friend. His smiles and laughs could lit up the room. But on the other hand Eric tensed as she heard about his wife talk about another man.

"Oh sweetie, he went to meet up with a friend", Catherine responded, taking a bite out of her waffles. 

"Who is Ryan? I didn't see him at our wedding, Lily.", Eric tried to discreetly know who the hell was this Ryan.

"He is my best friend who lives opposite to our house. He was at our wedding, clad in a tux looking handsome as ever. God, I miss him so much", Lily gushed thinking about her cutie.
"I'll introduce you the next time we meet him"

Eric forced out a tight smile looking at Lily when she talked about him. Honestly, he was fuming inside. He wanted to meet this Ryan and let him know that she was his wife. He ate the rest of his breakfast sulking and brooding. 

"Well, Jeremy and I have a surprise for you guys", Clara squealed and held onto her husband. Catherine and William smiled as they already knew and silently watched. Eric looked up at his mom and Lily was genuinely confused.

"You both are going to Bora Bora!!!", Clara grinned as Lily's eyes widened and Eric frowned. 
"For vacation?!", Lily bit her lip and controlled herself from jumping up and down.
"umm....You could say that...I guess", Melissa smiled. She knew Lily has never travelled places much. The farther she has ever gone was once to attend a relative's funeral in the outskirts of the city. 

"Are we going as a family? I love family trips. We could bond...", Lily was cut off by Catherine.
"Of course not silly. Only you and Eric are going on this vacation called honeymoon", she smirked. Eric glanced at Lily for any reaction and she didn't disappoint him. She innocently smiled at him, excitement sparkling in her eyes.

She just nodded," Okay then we both are going to have so much fun"

Eric knew his definition of fun was way different then hers but he shook his thoughts turning back to his mother.
"But mom! I have an empire to run and moreover you know I have signed a few deals recently. I have to be present to-...", he was cut off by his father. 

"Just because I retired doesn't mean I'm incapable of not running the company. Remember after whom you took, son", Jeremy rolled his eyes.

"Yes, your father is right. He and Austin will take care temporarily and you can relax for one week, honey", his mother joined in too. Eric had no choice but to agree and deep down he knew he was looking forward to this vacation.....

After Eric left, Jeremy and William were watching TV with Catherine and Clara. Melissa took Lily to the balcony and sat on the couch. 
"I'm so glad to see you happy here, dear"

"Eric is so nice, grandma. He takes good care of me and I have nothing to worry about", Lily smiled warmly at her grandma.

"Pack all your necessities and enjoy yourself. But do not leave Eric's side. Do you understand? Be by his side always. Don't run off or do not talk to strangers...", Melissa stopped as she was Lily controlling her laughs.

"Grandma I'm not a child. Of course, I would definitely follow them. Please don't worry yourself. I will always be safe", she whispered.

"Hey, Melissa. Lily we have to go shopping for your.....vacation. So get ready in five. Clara is coming with us too", Catherine said. 

And just like that the three women went shopping and Lily was excited.....

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