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We were currently on the plane and I couldn't be more excited. Damien and Austin were as usual bugging Eric while he tried to work.

We dropped off a sleeping Ryan at my grandma's as to not wake up his parents from deep sleep after....well you know....
Anyway, we went to Austin's penthouse to pick them up but when we entered loud snores reached our ears. Eric smirked and before I could decipher his thoughts, he ran upstairs with a jug in his hands. 

I heard loud screams and profanities as I ran upstairs. Austin and Damien were drenched in ice cold water from the top. Apparently, Eric also used a bucket full of freezing water. 

"Well, it gives me immense pleasure that you two are bathed and ready to go. Come on, shitheads", he walked outside as they both glared at his back. I knew right then that they were planning something. 

Damien's laughter pulled me out of my thoughts as I looked at them. They both were annoying Eric as revenge for the morning madness he pulled on them. I stiffled a laugh as I saw Eric took a deep breath trying to calm himself. 
After all, he loves them but would never admit it in front of them. 

"Okay...okay....listen to this one : How does the ocean says hello?", Austin asked as I started thinking, seriously. Eric opened his one eye.
"Austin I swear to god, if you....", Austin cut him off.
"It waves", he said making the waving motion with is hands.

Both of them burst into laughter and I looked at Eric glaring at them. I couldn't hold it in longer and ended up into a fit of giggles with them. Oh boy! It was really funny.

"OOHH... I got another one : How do you make holy water?", Damien asked as he looked up at us. When neither of us knew he smiled answering, "You boil the hell out of it"

"That's really a good one", I commented chuckling. I looked outside, my mind drifting off into peaceful slumber.



"This is so amazing!", Lily watched as they were heading to Eric's mansion. The streets were bustling with people. 

Lily yawned laying her head on his shoulder. Eric kissed her hair wrapping his hand around her.
"Tired?", he asked to which she nodded lazily.

"It's almost three in the afternoon. I have three days of continuous and very important meetings but I promise one of us would accompany you and take you sight-seeing, okay?"

Eric had meeting with investors and he wouldn't be able to see her. He would be in and out all day returning home at midnight. He didn't want his wife's beauty sleep wasted. 

It has been three days since she saw him. He would wake up early, leave for work, call her in the afternoon and then would come back late at night after she'd slept. She was accompanied by either Austin or Damien and they took her to place for sight-seeing. 

"Austin enough! How much did you buy?", she groaned as he took her to the next shop. They were currently shopping and it was already noon. Her legs screamed in agony to stop but she was dragged into yet another store.

"Just this last one. Please, cupcake", he picked up some formal shirts and designer ones. She has never seen a man who loved shopping. Ever since little, her grandpa and Catherine's husband complained about how much time women take for shopping. 

"Buy me food, Austy. I'm hungry", she gave him my best puppy eyes, making him sigh in defeat. He paid for the clothes and he drove to McD. He ordered two cheeseburgers and fries to go with. Lily also got a large velvety vanilla milkshake.

His Innocent Wife  *(COMPLETED)*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora