"close the door"~sokeefe

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Keefe woke up as he heard a small cry from the room beside him. He shook back his covers, and stepped out the guest room of Everglen.

The next room was Sophie's. The chilly air made him shiver. Nobody had woken up from the cry, making him wonder if it was all in his head.

"Foster?" He asked quietly and knocked on the door.

Footsteps were coming towards him and he heard a small sniffling before Sophie said, "Keefe?"

"Uh, yeah," he said, leaning on the door. "I heard you crying, so . . . "


"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"You can't fool me, Foster,"

"I said I'm fine," she said angrily and swung the door open, which caused Keefe to yelp and fall on the floor.

Her room was all messed up with her covers on the ground, crumpled. Sophie looked tired than ever as she tried to hide her tears from falling.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Keefe asked gently as he stood up to face her.

"Nothing." She lied.


"Well, yeah," Sophie mumbled.

"If it helps, I can stay with you until you fall asleep," he suggested. "Not like in a stalker-y way, though."

Sophie blushed. "That's really sweet of you."

"Well, I am Lord Hunkyhair."

"Pfft," Sophie rolled her eyes but her lips twitched with a playful smile. The soft beam of the crescent moon showered on the two elves, shining the room.

As Sophie tucked herself into the big canopy bed, Keefe sat at the edge of it. Sophie noticed him shivering a bit from the chilliness, so she scooted over to the edge. Sophie blushed when Keefe got the idea and slipped inside the blanket with her.

Their bodies touched which made them feel warm but weird. They also blushed profusely.

Sophie's mind screamed, "ARE YOU MAD?" but she couldn't really think of anything else except that Keefe was beside her. So was the same for Keefe. A jittery feeling he always felt when he was beside Sophie had grew bigger, fluttering in his stomach like soft but fierce butterflies.

Sophie gripped her covers tightly and thought of Grady's words before she left for the sleepover.

"Don't let the boys touch you, or don't you ever touch the boys or I will personally deal with them."

She glanced over at Keefe who was biting his lips hard enough to bleed.

Sophie stiffled a laugh from escaping her lips since she never saw him this nervous or this red.

"What?" he asked when he caught Sophie staring.

"Nothing," she replied. "It's just that I've never seen you so nervous."

"Nervous? Me?" he said and turned his body over to face her. "I'm totally not . . . " he trailed off when he realized how close their faces were from touching.

Sophie sucked in a breath. "Close the door,"

Keefe was confused. "Uh . . . may I ask why?"

"Well no one can know you're here," she explained, "with me."

"I never realized our relationship was a secret," Keefe said but got out of the covers to shut the door. The room was now completely dark.

"I never realized there was a relationship between you and me." Sophe raised an eyebrow.

"Oh really?" Keefe asked while sliding back next to Sophie. "Wanna make it offical?" he said playfully and puckered his lips.

"You're insufferable." Sophie laughed while giving him a playful push."

They both promptly got quiet. "Goodnight," Sophie whispered.

"Goodnight, Foster. Sweet dreams."

"I think I will, tonight,"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2021 ⏰

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