"you have to leave right now"~Sokeefe

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"Keefe!" Sophie screeched when she saw a figure standing by her doorway. "What are you doing here?"

"Can't I just come in to see you?" Keefe smirked and waltzed into the room.

Sophie blushed when he gave her a red rose. "We'll get in a lot of trouble when Grady finds out."

Keefe's face turned pale for a minute but he managed a forced smile.

"Anyway, what is the matter?" Sophie asked again, "a war starting, the Neverseen coming back . . . "

"Nope. Not a thing."

"Really?" Sophie scrunched her eyebrows together and but the rose in a vase. "Nothing?"

"Well, I did bring you a present," he said.

Sophie groaned. "Please tell me it's not you this time."

"Hey!" Keefe crossed his arms around his chest defiantly. "I'm awesome for a present. Also, I actually am a part of the present." he grinned and jazzed his hands when Sophie didn't smile. He fished a small notebook out of his bag and gave it to Sophie.

"Flip it to page 5," he said.

Sophie raised an eyebrow but flipped it to page 5. She bit her lip when she saw what was written inside.

hey, Foster. If you're reading this, it means I finally have the chance to say the things I couldn't say to you.

I . . . I like you. I really do. And I know this is all of a sudden and I'm sure it makes you uncomftable and I don't blame you. I just wanted to let you know in case you didn't know it till now.

Guessing I wasn't subtle, flirting to you a lot more than others. I thought about how you were going to react to me after you saw this. It's okay to rip this out and burn it (not really, that would be rude).

But I wanted to let you know, you are the most beautiful and kind person I've ever met (aside from me, of course). You are perfect to me in everyway I can imagine, even if you don't think it's true.

The day I first met you . . . I still remember it. You hurt your hand the first day you went to foxfire, while I was ditching class again. From that moment, I knew something was special about you. Not in a creepy special, though.

I tried to not act jealous in front of Fitz and you, but my heart said otherwise and I'm sorry for that. I'm also sorry for leaving to the Neverseen. Uh . . . wow. This is getting reaaaally long and I feel like this is turning into a apology. But you deserve it. You deserve everything even if it means not being with me and I completely understand.

So, if you think we should put a little space between us after this, you know I'll keep waiting for you (not like in a clingy way).

- Lord Hunkyhair

"Keefe," Sophie gawked at him. "I don't know what to say except - "

Keefe looked at the ground, his cheeks tinted with pink. "I know, it's stupid. Like I said, I understand."

"No, I - "

"It's also fine if you want me out of your house."

"Keefe I just - "

"Actually, it's great if you rip that letter apart," he said, heartbroken. "Better if you burn it."

"Stop - "

"Stop wasting your time? Okay." he finished glumly and started to walk out her room.

But Sophie grabbed his wrist and pulled him in a kiss she thought she would never ever experience. Keefe's eyes flew open and Sophie thought his eyeballs would pop out any minute.

But thankfully, it didn't. Instead, he closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around her waist as Sophie messed up his hair she was never able to touch. They were smiling so big it was almost impossible for the kiss to last longer, but it did.

Realization dawned on Keefe that Sophie was messing up his hair and he intertwined his fingers into hers, making her unable to touch his beloved hair.

When they were heading backwards, Sophie knocked over the vase and spilled water all over her carpet. They both backed away from this kiss but their hands were still intertwined.

"I . . . should clean this up," Sophie muttered while trying to hide her volcano-red face.

"I'll help." Keefe offered, but Grady's voice echoed through Havenfield.

Sophie's brown eyes widened and said, "You have to leave right now."

"But - "

"I'll clean this on my own, 'kay?" she smiled and gave Keefe a small, short kiss.

Warmth tingled Keefe's cheeks as he squeaked out a little "okay" and held his home crystal.

Before they could say goodbye, Grady's footsteps were getting close. Keefe quickly went back to his home as Grady knocked her bedroom door.

"I hope nothing happend when I was gone," he scanned the room when he came in.

"Actually - " Vertina, the mirror girl started to speak but Sophie shut her up.

"Nothing happened, dad," she lied.

Grady suspiciously raised an eyebrow but he walked out of her room.

Sophie giggled and sunk backwards into her canopy bed, thinking of a particular blonde head boy.

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