"I don't think she'd lie to us, Changbin," Han replied.

They didn't know about her teacher. I took a deep breath, hoping she would be found alive to be angry for what I was about to do. After I took a deep breath, I betrayed her trust.

"Ryu had a teacher not long after she got out the hospital when she became Jin's daughter. She never talked about him really, but after what happened with Woojin, the reason she asked us to keep what happened between us was because he had touched her inappropriately. Back at that point, she told me Jin was having issues and being hard on himself so she didn't want anymore stress on him, so I agreed after she promised she'd talk to someone if she needed to," I told them.

"Why didn't you tell us this sooner?" Chan asked, getting annoyed at me.

"She didn't want anyone to know," I replied. "She was ashamed because she hadn't stopped him and he still scared her. Ryu still has nightmares about the teacher."

"Are you sure it's just the teacher?" Han asked and I looked at him in shock.

Han was right. Ryu was hospitalized after all of that and then brushed it off as nightmares about her teacher. If she was hiding something that happened with Woojin, that was making her have even worse nightmares than when it was just the memories of the teacher, we'd missed signs she was in danger a lot longer than we realized and I had inadvertently helped hide them. I dropped my head in defeat, worried that if Woojin had kidnapped Ryu, I was inadvertently responsible for making it possible for him to do it. It didn't help that while we were still friends, she didn't confide in me 100% after we broke up because of the way I overreacted to how the police handled her first kidnapping. That was something that I quickly realized was the biggest mistake I had ever made in my life. I missed the way Ryu and I were before I had been so stupid.

"We need to go see Jin and Jisung to tell them this," Chan said. "And pray she's found alive."

"Chan's right," Han agreed. "They need to know the truth, even if they try to kill the three of us."

"The three of us?" I asked. 

"You weren't the only one who didn't say anything to them after we found Woojin in that room with her, Changbin-hyung," Han started. "All three of us did. And when she was the hospital, all three of us went out of our way to keep him away from it. We all helped hide that he had become obsessed with her."

"We need to tell the others before we go," Chan decided.

We went and found the other five members of Stray Kids. Once Chan got them to at least sit down, he got their attention by telling them he needed to tell them something about Ryu. That shut them all right up. He explained what the three of us had discussed and that we were going to talk to Jisung and Jin. When he finished, Lee Know, Felix, and Hyunjin looked like they were going to attack us. I think the only reason they didn't was because Seungmin and I.N looked like they were going to cry at the idea that Woojin may have Ryu-ah. Before Lee Know, Felix, and Hyunjin changed their mind, the three of us left. 

Arriving at the penthouse Jisung and Ryu-ah had rented from G-Dragon, knowing the future it was supposed to represent was in danger, possibly because of us, was a sobering occasion. When we walked into the penthouse, G-Dragon, TOP, Taeyong, Yuta, Johnny, Chanyeol, Sehun, Xiumin, Taemin, Key, and Jungkook were there with Jisung and Jin. I looked to Bang Chan and Han for reassurance we were still going to tell them with all these people in the penthouse. They nodded to me.

I took a deep breath and explained everything to them. Chan, Han, and I apologized repeatedly for keeping our promise to Ryu-ah when it could have put her in danger. Before anyone could stop them, Jisung, Taeyong, Johnny, and Yuta attacked Chan, Han, and me. It took a few minutes to pry them off of us. 

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