Cookies and Classes

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At dinner she was followed by her new friends. They wanted to sit with her and she was fine with it, but she was sitting with Percy to. She soon found the familiar mop of black hair in the crowd. Their eyes met and they rushed to each other. Percy pecked her on the lips and led her and her friends to a table. They all introduced themselves and continued to eat dinner. Suddenly a slick white haired guy came over to their table, "what do you want Draco?" Hermione hissed. "Oh nothing, I just want to show these half-bloods who's boss" She and her fellow demigods snickered. "What's so funny?" He asked. "You think your the boss of us?" Percy asked "of course" The Draco kid said. "I'll prove it" he muttered something like wingardum something. Suddenly Percy was floating. The hall erupted in laughter (except the demigods) but Percy was paralyzed, Annabeth understood right away, he was not a fan of heights. Percy was paling and Annabeth shouted at Draco. But Draco wasn't doing anything. Suddenly a bolt of lightning hit Draco and dropped his wand. Percy dropped like a stone. He hit the floor with a loud thud. He groaned and got up. Annabeth splashed her water on him and he was healed instantly. Once she was sure Percy was okay she turned to Draco, "are you crazy?" She asked him. "No" he smirked "more powerful" Percy grabbed him by his collar and lifted him into the air. "You remind me of Octavian" he mused "guess what, Octavian ended up dead" Draco paled and Percy dropped him, he scurried away. "That's what I call a Percy scary mode" Leo laughed "did you see his face!" Everyone at the table laughed. When dinner ended they all headed back to their rooms and got ready for a full day of classes.
Percy's POV
I yawned when I woke up and checked the time, 5:00, dam. Ever since the pit I had trouble sleeping. I took a shower and slipped on a sea green shirt and ripped black jeans. When it was 7 everyone started waking up. I headed to the dining pavilion and grabbed some blue pancakes. I poured a bunch of syrup on them and ate. When I was done, everyone started filing in. I went back to my room and ate some secret blue cookies. If anyone found out I had this, I'd be dead. When it was time, I headed over to Science. A guy with salt and pepper hair was waiting. He told the us his name was Bruce Banner, or Mr. Banner. We learned a few things, blah, blah, blah, I fell asleep, I knew I could pass whatever test there was with Athenas blessing so why listen? After science I headed to weapons. Finally it was time for something interesting. I entered the weapons room my eyes scanning for a hard opponent. I saw Jason, Piper, and Nico, yeah! The teacher entered the room, she had red hair and a catsuit. "
My name is Natasha, you may call me as such, today we will be pairing you with your weapon." Yes! Easy class! She told us to raise our hands if  we had weapons. Everyone except the Auradon kids and the wizards raised their hands. Okay if you have a weapon pair into a group of two and come up to show me your weapon. I paired up with Nico and we went to the front. Natasha raised her eyebrow
"I thought I told you to have a weapon?"
"Oh, we do" I told her
"Show me then" I uncapped riptide and Nico twisted his skull ring. Natasha stared at the two swords before moving on. She looked at Sadies staff (I only read the first book of Kane chronicles so sorry if it's wrong) and Pipers dagger before asking them to duel. They both stepped in the front of the room and Sadie asked if they could use powers. Natasha, seeming to forget the presentation said yes. When the fight started, Piper immediately told Sadie to drop her weapon and surrender, her voice thickly laced with charmspeak. Sadie did as told and Natasha declared Piper the winner. When class was over we had stealth.
"Nico would ace this" I whispered to Annabeth, who was in this class with me, score! She snickered and Nico turned his head to us and we both laughed.
"What's so funny, the Stolls didn't die my hair rainbow again, did they?"
Before we could respond the teacher entered. (I forgot if I made Clint teach stealth and I'm to lazy to check so just go with it)
"My names Clint Barton or Agent Barton and I will be your stealth teacher today. As a warm up I need you all to find a hiding spot in the room and hide in it and I'll try to find you, Ready go!" Annabeth grabbed her Yankees hat and turned invisible, and Nico sunk in the shadows, I quickly grabbed his arm and I sunk in the shadows to. Clint started walking around the room and soon fond everyone but me, Annabeth, Nico, and Harry. Suddenly someone sneezed and Clint stalked to the direction of the noise and bumped into something. Harry was under a cloak thingy and it turned him invisible. Clint stalked around a little more and when class was over he asked us to come out. When me and Nico did Nico started yelling at me for taking his hiding spot. Annabeth chose that moment to take of her hat and laugh at me.
"Hey!" I told her "you should treat me with respect because I'm your supply of blue cookies" when the words left my mouth I realized what I had said. Nico's eyes widened , before I could tell him to shut up he screamed on the top of his lungs p. "Percy Jackson has blue cookies!"
3rd POV
"Oh no" Annabeth said and everyone looked confused until an orange mob filled the stealth classroom. "Blue cookies" were heard around the room. "I only have 5 left" Percy said miserably as he was carried out of the room.
"I should probably save him, but he'll have to bake a couple thousand cookies later" Annabeth shouted exiting the room leaving a class full of confused people.
When it was lunch time, Percy was no where to be seen and the kitchens were being guarded by two burly demigods and nowhere dared to go close. But Chiron trotted up to them and asked for the situation. When he heard he himself guarded the kitchen leaving everyone that wasn't a demigod bewildered. When the kitchen doors finally opened the guards and Chiron stepped in front of the person exiting the kitchen, the Person was Percy and he was covered in flour and blue food dye. All the demigods rose from there seats trying to get a good look at something Percy was holding. Someone tried walking up to Percy, but was pushed back by the guards. Percy reached the center of the room and was handed a jar from the guard. He made a big show of picking a paper from the jar and he announced the name. "The first person getting cookies will be" he paused for suspense "Nyssa from the Hephaestus cabin" all the demigods cheered and Nyssa went to collect her cookie. It went on like that till all the demigods had a cookie. When they bit into it they had a dreamy expression on their faces so the wizards asked if they could try some. Percy had a few extra so he gave them some and soon they were looking like the demigods, everyone else wanted to try but Percy had run out, of cookies, then he promptly ran out of the cafeteria with his guards following behind him.

And that's a wrap, hope you liked it. Now go eat a blue cookie

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