Chapter 6-"Making Friends"

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Alana's POV

Me: I'm here
Leo: I'll come help you

I put my phone in my purse after texting Leo about my arrival.  I was so excited.  The apartment might not have been big. But it was so cute. It was almost perfect. Almost as if it were made for me or something. Which sounds weird. I know. But it just felt that way. I was also secretly excited that my new neighbor was going to be the huge hunk of a man like Leo.  The past two nights, my dreams have been filled with only him. Doing....well....things. I didn't even realize I was staring off into space thinking of such things until I was startled by a knock on my window and then my car door opening. "You ok in there?" He asked with his now signature sexy smirk. Again, does he know what I'm thinking or something?! It sure felt like it based on how he was looking at me. "Yeah.  I was just lost in thought." I said quickly as I climbed out of the car.  

He helped me unload my trunk with things I had buried in there.  I didn't have a lot. Or what seemed to me like a lot. But then again, I'm a girl. All my stuff might have seemed more to a guy like him.  Looking at the now chaotic apartment, I knew I had some cleaning and organizing to do.  I let out a heavy sigh and began to go through a box. "So, I, I'm, was thinking. If you want.  I could go into town and get a pizza or something. Tonight for dinner. Only if you want to." He began to stumble on his own words. It was adorable. Seeing a guy like him be nervous around a little ol' me. "Sure. That sounds good. Only if it's not trouble or anything." I tried to make myself sound unfazed by the fact that he was asking me to eat dinner with him. In his house. Alone. He cleared his throat a bit. "Oh no trouble at all. I have some work to get done in town anyway. I can pick it up on my way back. That will give you some time to yourself to get things together." Oh. He made it sound like it's nothing. Almost like, we're buds. ".....ok." Was all I could say. I hoped the sadness wasn't obvious in my tone.

He shook his head and was about to walk out the door before stopping and turning back to me. "And feel free to use the main house for anything you want or need.  I don't want you to feel like you're not allowed in there.  You are. Especially seeing as I have a bigger kitchen. And also the only coffee maker here." He said with a laugh. I smiled and thanked him, then watched as he quickly exited. I made a mental note not to get my own coffee maker. The idea of being able to see him early in the morning when we first woke up made my insides burn. It practically took my breath away, I had to sit down. Seriously! When is this damn period coming for gods sake?!?!

Leo's POV

I had to get out of there. And fast. Her scent was now stronger than ever. Now that all of her belongings were in there.  It was killing me. But what was killing me even more was the fact that I could sense her arousal.  I sensed it at the diner. It wasn't much. But enough to make me notice. I sensed it when I met her at her car when she got here. I wanted to drag her out of that machine so fast.  And I was sensing it in that apartment.  Even stronger. My god! I'd kill to know what she was thinking about that made it stronger. I had to get myself together. At least for now. The fact that I had to go help with training was a good excuse to give us some space. Otherwise, if I spent the whole day with her, especially seeing as she's apparently feeling the bond even stronger than before, I'd have her tied to my bed screaming my name in no time.  And even that thought made me crazy. Soon enough little one!

Alana's POV

It had been about 5 or so hours since Leo left to do his work, whatever that was.  I was buried deep in suitcases and boxes. Trying to get things done as fast as possible. I had two days off in a row and I had hoped everything would be done and I would be settled before going back.  Even though Leo had been gone a while, there was something in the air that made me feel as if he was still around. It wasn't a creepy kind of feeling. But almost a nice calming one.  However, I couldn't stop ignoring that feeling I was having once he left. I felt......sad? Like I missed him or something.  It was starting to get worse almost painful when I heard a knock on his front door.

I got up and made my way through the main house.  As I opened the door. I noticed a beautiful young girl, probably around my age, staring back at me with her bright blonde curls and baby blue eyes. She was nothing short of gorgeous that was for sure. "Hi! I'm Sara!" She said with a big smile. She held out her hand for me to shake. I followed. "Alana." I answered back. I suddenly realized that she probably was not there to see me. This was Leo's home. She was here to see him. The sudden sting of jealousy hit me like a huge wave crashing into rocks. It almost made me fall backwards. At that moment, I wanted to grab her pretty blond hair and beat her face to the ground.  Who the fuck is this bitch and what does she want with my Leo?! ......wait. What was I saying?!  "It's nice to finally meet you Alana. Leo has told us so much about you." Her words confused me. What was he saying about me to people? "Us?" I questioned. She smiled a giggled. "Yes. Me and my ma....husband. Mitch."  She has a husband. They're friends with Leo. WHEWW! I feel better now.

I smiled back and motioned her to come in. Once I realized she came over to meet me. I felt a little better. But why? "Leo isn't here. He said he had some work to do in town." I explained. She turned to me and smiled. "Oh I know. Both boys are working right now. I wanted to come by and introduce myself. Maybe even help you get settled in if you'd like. Leo told us you're new here and you haven't exactly had any time to make any friends. So I figured, I don't know. Maybe I can be your first?" Her statement shocked me for a moment. A friend? Weird. Everyone I met in this town was so standoffish. As if I was the plague or something. Except for drunk men. They seemed to love me. Clearly. But this girl looked at me as if I had no choice in the matter.  Almost as if I were to say no, she'd cry or something. "Yeah. Sure. I'd like that." I answered back. She jumped up and clapped her hands together and giggled. Filled with excitement at my approval. Oh she's one of THOSE girls. She was so bubbly. A little opposite of me. But who am I to complain. Someone wants to become friends in a town that started off feeling lonely. Now I have at least two other people who wanted me around.

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