Chapter 1 "Chance Meeting?"

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Alana POV

Order up!!! I heard from across the small yet packed diner.  Today was crazy busy. Everyday since I started seemed busy. Do the people of this town not have anything better to do?

This was my first week. Only place I could find desperate enough to hire a new girl in town right on the spot. I had been staying at a hotel, but looking around for a permanent place to rent. The diners tips were going to help with deposits and all that, that's for sure.

I was busy cleaning, or trying to clean, the coffee maker from this morning when Betty came over to me. "Hey table 6 just sat down. Do you mind....Um....taking them for me?" She asked with a shaky voice. I put down a coffee pot and looked over at table 6. Four large men with facial hair, black leather jackets, tattooed up and intimidating faces appeared before me. "You're making ME serve THEM?!" I tried to be as quiet as possible. She shhhh'ed me real fast. "Look, I've had to serve them a million times. You're new here. So you should at least take this time." She said. She pushed me forward towards the table.

I slowly walked over to the table, taking out my pen and pad. As I reached them, I made sure to keep my eyes glued to the paper. "What can I get you guys today?" I asked, almost too quietly. "Four burgers and fries. Boss you want anything else?" One of the men said out loud. I waited for an answer from this "boss" he spoke to. There was silence. Instinctively I looked up and was met with Amber colored eyes. They were fixated on me, not blinking. It wasn't until the other man cleared his throat that I realized I too was starring. "I guess that's it. But we need it fast. We have stuff to do." The man who ordered barked. His demand made me jump a bit and out of my trance. I smiled and nodded my head, rushing back behind the counter to put in their rush order.

I had to take a moment to breathe. What was my problem? Why was I starring at the stranger?

Leo's POV

I watched as she ran back to her safety zone. She was magnificent. Dark, dirty blond, wavy long hair pulled back into a now messy pony tail. Perfectly proportioned body figure with curves that could kill. Green eyes that mesmerized me. Voice of an angel. I wasn't standing, but I was sure she was probably a foot shorter than me. I couldn't help by stare. "Boss!" Mitch called from across the table. I shook my head and returned to him. "What?" I was annoyed that he took me away from watching the perfect being. "Are you ok? Your eyes are Amber." They were?! No. He must be fucking with me. "Shut the fuck up Mitch." I said as I picked up my phone to look up the address to the warehouse we were heading to afterwards.

It was silent for a moment, which was odd. These boys never shut up. I looked up from my phone and saw that all three of them were starring at me with pale faces. "Do I need to kill you all?!" I was getting angry. Mitch cleared his throat. "Boss. Did you just find your mate?" His words sent shocks throughout my body that I had never felt before but heard of many times. My heart began to beat faster. I turned to glance over in the direction of the perfect specimen that took our order. She suddenly turned around from where she was and our eyes met. The feeling of her looking at me was overwhelming. Was Mitch right? Is she my mate? I had never seen her there before or around town. Why was that? Who was she? What was her name? Was she single? would she be ok with doing it on the first date? Would she be totally ok with getting married on the second....or third?

"Snap out of it man!" Mitch snapped his fingers in my face. I shook my head to get out of my thoughts. Looking around, I saw all three men with their eyes wide and with stupid smirks on their faces. "What's so funny?" I questioned. They laughed a bit. "Nothing man. Just, we know there will always come a day where we all find our mates. Just didn't think you'd find yours for a loooooong time." Brock sitting next to me admitted. "And why is that?" I asked, kind of angry. "It's's you. Alpha. You don't exactly like people enough to even be around them, let alone have a female hanging on you 24/7." His explanation wasn't wrong. I honestly never thought the moon would grant me a mate. Seemed pathetic being a man, especially in my position, to have a female as a weakness. I mean, what do others even do with their mates? Besides have sex all night. That I wouldn't mind. Sleeping next to that perfect goddess every night. Feeling her skin against mine. Tasting her lips. Hearing her say my name. Moaning in my ear as we........

"BOSS!" Mitch snapped once more. I turned to face him. I hadn't even realized I was starring off into space in her direction.....again. "She's coming. Act cool" Brock whispered. She slowly and carefully walked over with our order and began to place down the plates. As she leaned over in front of me to place Brock's, I caught a whiff of her scent. It was heaven in a bottle. As she was placing mine in front of me, I went to take the plate from her to help. My hand accidentally grazed hers. Sudden electric jolts flew through my hand, up my arm, and landed right in my chest where my heart laid. It didn't hurt, it felt amazing. I glanced up at her and I could tell she felt the same thing. Only, she was a human. She didn't understand what it was or what it meant. Fuck. She's a human! Trying to explain to this magnificent creature that the moment we were both born, we were meant for eachother, bound together, by this supernatural (yet 100% real) pull.  That even if she didn't want it, it didn't matter. She would constantly gravitate right back into my arms. And that one day, she would realize all those feelings she had was true love......yeah, this wasn't going to be easy trying to convince her of that. But I had to.....

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