Chapter 18: The omega

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Bokuto advanced slowly and sat on the rock next to Akaashi's, who shot him a scrutinizing look. Bokuto returned a serious look, but did not verbalize the multiple thoughts that were forming in his head at the speed of light. Akaashi's ice blue eyes had a sad reflection behind the harshness he was trying to show.

"Thank you..." Akaashi whispered in a soft and melodic voice, looking away from him. "For coming."

"I don't understand," Bokuto said, shaking his head.

"I suppose that you'll be somewhat confused."

"Somewhat confused? I don't understand shit," Bokuto said with a frown. Akaashi chuckled. "There are loose ends in... In all this, in this story. It's not just pheromones. It's the zeal, it's the organs that your body has, it's the DNA... How is it possible that you've hidden something like that?"

"I already told you, I use hormone blockers. And I also use contraceptives to avoid heat," Akaashi said with a shrug. "I don't even know if I've ever been in zeal," he added bitterly, "but that doesn't matter. It's like I'm not an omega."

"What do you mean?"

"Although I have blue eyes and can smell the pheromones of other lycanthropes, my body by itself doesn't produce the pheromones typical of my condition because the blockers avoid it. With the amount of pills I take... I'm closer to being a beta than an omega. But it's the only thing I can do in this situation, so I'm safe from being discovered in the barracks."

"Why do you want to hide yourself like that? It's not healthy to take blockers or contraceptives continuously, I guess you know that," said Bokuto.

"Yes, I know. But my cover is to be a hunter. It assures me I'm kept alive, at least... it has done so so far. Now you know what I really am, so it's one more risk I must fight."

Bokuto nodded slowly. The city lights below them illuminated their faces with a faint orange glow. Akaashi looked at Bokuto again, and the alpha looked back at him. Red eyes collided with blue ones, sparking.

"I had to use my omega voice to attract you here to see my eyes. You're someone complicated," Akaashi confessed in a whisper.

"No, I'm not."

Akaashi chuckled softly and stared straight ahead, observing the white points of light in the sky, the stars. Bokuto didn't move, he kept staring at his profile, his eyes glinting in the moonlight.

"Yes, you are. You're more complicated than you think. Otherwise I wouldn't be here. You, too, spared my life twice, and I know firsthand that there aren't many werewolves who do what you did when their pack and friends are being slaughtered in cold blood. What you did is called pity and it's not a very widespread practice among werewolves... or among hunters."

Bokuto looked away, fixing his gaze on his lap. "You haven't even told me your name."

"Akaashi. Akaashi Keiji."

"Well, Akaashi," Bokuto said with a nod, "although it seems that you already know me, I'm Bokuto Koutaro."

Akaashi chuckled softly, but Bokuto remained serious. He wasn't trying to be funny, he was just introducing himself formally, and after that they were both silent for a long time, lost in their own thoughts. Bokuto was the first to speak again.

"How did it happen? How did you become a hunter?"

"It was a long time ago. I was very young, I had not even shown my condition when I first entered the barracks."

"Were you a child?"

"Yes. Hunters killed my pack when I was 6 years old. There are things that I don't remember, it happened so many years ago... My mother forced me to hide in a closet, and, since I was small, I was able to get between the blankets that were stacked inside. The hunter who did the reconnaissance round didn't see me."

Howl to the Moon (Haikyuu Omegaverse)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz