Lesson 26 - Just The Start

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Ainz stands, making (Y/n) do the same.

"All right, guardians, we order you all to move out." Ainz announces, taking a few steps forward. "Our team as a decoy, and another to flaunt our power to the Lizard Men." He turns to Albedo. "Albedo, make ready our soldiers Activate Gargantua as well."

"As you command. Can I also assume that by sending a decoy, you are considering that there is someone who enjoys peeking at us, and are giving the wrong impression as to our true intentions?" She replies.

"That is correct." (Y/n) answers, this time understanding all these big sentences, along with Ainz's intentions.

"Very good." Albedo smiles at (Y/n).

"All right, everyone, time to get moving!" Ainz shouts before teleporting out. (Y/n) does the same shortly after.

All the guardians get up off of their one knee, Cocytus and Victim going over to Demiurge.

"I'm grateful to you, Demiurge." Cocytus says.

"There's no need for that, Cocytus. For you see, this is probably the outcome that Lord Ainz and Lady (Y/n) desired." Demiurge explains.

"Huh?" Both Aura and Mare say.

"You're saying that everything is going according to Lord Ainz and Lady (Y/n)'s plan?" Albedo joins in, walking over to the group of guardians.

"Leave it to Lord Ainz and Lady (Y/n)!" Aura grins. Mare also adds to the conversation. "B-But then, um, I mean, I'm just saying, did they assume ahead of time that Cocytus would lose?"

"Not so much lose, perhaps, as they may have been entertaining the idea that Cocytus would probe the Lizard Men's strength, and recommend whether or not they could beat them." Demiurge answers.

Shalltear smiles proudly with a suspicious blush on her face. "That's Lord Ainz for you! He truly is beyond incredible! It's fair to say that his assumption of the role of coordinator for the Supreme Ones was not just for show!" She moans.


(Y/n) sighs as she flops onto her bed, exhausted. She whines as she yawns. "Sheesh, being an Overlord is tiring. The amount of tension in there-- I thought it would crush me!"

"And then I stumbled on my words.." She huffs as she turns over onto her back, staring at the top of the bedframe. "I should ask Pestonya to make me something sweet when I get back..." She murmurs.

"My entire schedule is packed though, since I still have to go on that trip with Yuri. I'll think about that later..."

(Y/n) groans as she slowly sits back up, yawning once more. "I guess we should get going."

The LizardMen Village

"I had anticipated this, but this is too soon." Zaryusu says.

Standing in rows, undead carrying steel shields, steel swords, and steel armor are arranged. A light mist covering the battlefields flooring. The majority of the sky covered in the familiar black clouds.

"Huh? It can't be." Crusch mutters.

On the other side, dozens more undead knights stand, ones that look much more stronger than the army before. These ones clad in a blue-like silver.

"I-Impossible." Zaryusu whispers.

Another row, this time their armor is plated in gold, just as many in the next row.

"Have you noticed it too? That is all magic equipment." Zenberu points out.

"A mythical army." Zaryusu mumbles.

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