I return it to the sink, and pick up the shaving cream, having a rough idea that this is what I'm supposed to be doing next. He doesn't comment on it, so I guess I must be doing it correctly.

I smear his face in the white cream, trying not to smile as I do so. "Stop looking at me, you're going to put me off." I chuckle, feeling my cheeks beginning to burn up through the intensity of his stare.

"I can't stop looking at you, Thea." He replies and I playfully rub a bit of shaving cream across his lips, stopping him from saying anything else.

He chuckles amusingly, allowing me to continue without distracting me anymore. I pick up the razor and stare at it, wondering what way I'm supposed to even use it on his skin.

He lifts his arm up, wiping the small amount of cream I put on his lips away with his finger. "You need to use one of your hands to stretch my skin first, just like you would if you were plucking your eyebrows." He explains humorously.

"But where do I start?" I ask, genuinely having no idea where I'm supposed to begin.

"You can start with the sideburns if you want. Use firm strokes in the direction in which the hair grows so that it doesn't irritate my skin." He adds and I furrow my brows, still none the wiser.

He reaches up and holds onto my wrist, bringing my hand towards his face and guiding me as I begin to shave the stubble. His lips curl up into a small smile before he releases his hold on my hand, allowing me to shave him completely unaided.

Being as careful as physically possible, I continue to shave away the cream, wetting the razor in the warm water before returning it to his face again. "That's it babe, you're a pro already." He mumbles playfully and I chuckle, shaking my head in amusement.

I continue the same pattern until almost all of the shaving cream is off of his face. "So, do I just fill up the sink with clean water?" I ask and he nods, smiling at me.

Doing exactly that, I empty the now dirty water and replace it with fresh, clean water instead. I wet a fresh washcloth in the warm water before bringing it towards his face and cleaning the rest of the shaving cream off. Once it's all clear, I pick up the towels and use it to dry his face, his green eyes still completely focused on me.

Placing the towel on top of the counter, I rest my hands on my hips, feeling quite proud of myself. With a small smirk, he stands up from the toilet seat and looks at himself in the mirror.

"Shit.. you did a pretty good job, angelo." He compliments as he runs a hands along his freshly shaven face. I smile like a smug child as I watch him open one of the cabinets and take out what looks like some sort of lotion before applying it to his face.

Rio looks handsome all the time, but I am practically dying of excitement to see him wearing a buttoned-up shirt again. I just can't wait to see him in a suit. I don't even think I'll be able to make it to the wedding reception if I continue to think about it for much longer.

Trying to brush the thoughts to the back of my head as much as possible, I let Rio know that I'm going to help Ellerie get ready before leaving the bathroom.

When I enter her bedroom, I find her sat on the end of her bed with her legs kicking up and down while she sings along to one of the songs in Moana, which is playing on her tv.

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