Chapter 43: Joey

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I walked in to see him face down on his bed. I had no idea what he was doing honeslty.

I sighed as I sat down on the end of his bed. He turned and looked at me.

I smiled before my eyes scanned his neck.

"Corey! What the fuck did you do?" I asked

It looked like hed been attacked with how sore it was and how the blood was raised to the skin.

It looked so sore.

Hs sighed "when will it get fucking better joey?" He asked looking at me in the eye.


"I want it to get better.."

"It will..."

"But when?" He snapped

I had never seen Corey so bad..not even when I pushed him...he was awful. And I didnt know what to do. I felt horrible not knowing how to help or comfort him. This was the worst I'd seen.

"What's wrong with my baby though?" I asked "what's eating you?"

He sighed "today is the day." He said

I looked at how dark it was getting outside his window, the trees creating shadows as they hit against eachother.

"What day?" I asked

"The day!" he snapped

"I'm going to need more context."

He pulled on his hair, I hated when he did that. "The day it happened! When he did what he did!"

"Oh...oh Corey I'm so sorry-"

"I don't want pity, I want to be whole again." He looked up at me with pleading eyes

"I don't know what you want me to do." I said "but I want you to know how much I love you and I want the best and for you to be happy."

"I don't know if I'll ever be happy..."

"Corey one day everything will be amazing... and you'll look back and not even believe you where like this."

He rolled his eyes "I dont want to look back." He sighed "but I can't move on."

I placed my fingers under his chin and pulled his face to look at me.

"You're gonna listen. You're gonna go far. We are gonna move out of your grams, we are going to buy the perfect place and get the perfect jobs and live a happy life."

"I can't Joey-"

"Its happening. We'll get the perfect apartment, we'll decorate it with gothic and nerdy shit we dont need. We will have skulls next to action figures. And we'll go somewhere." I said "we'll make it."

"I-really?" He asked

I nodded "We'll have a bed in the middle of our room and have a bunch of cats and dogs, and you' you'll sing or something with that voice of yours."

"The voice I'll destroy by smoking?" He asked

"Corey, it adds flavour." I scolded. "Anyway, I'll get a small job and we'll go places."


"I'll take you around the world."

He chuckled before sighing "that's all well said and done joey but...what if you get bored or...tired of me?"

"Impossible." I shrugged "you're werid...always have been...but you're my werid." I grinned

"I..I love you." He said as he sat up and hugged me tightly.

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