Chapter 27: Joey

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I hadn't seen him in less than week as I held the flowers tightly and sighed.

I could feel my heart pounding.

I was more scared of his unreaction. Something didnt feel right about it.

I stood there for a while debating to knock on his door. If he would even want to see me. I had been here for a while.

I sighed before I walked towards it. I knocked before stepping back.

I held my breath as the door slowly unlocked.

His grandma opened the door. "Joey?" She asked looking me up and down.

I felt like public enemy number one.

" Corey in?" I asked

She shook her head "no. Afraid not."

"Oh. Can I come in until he gets back?"

She shrugged, "if you want. May be waiting a while."

I nodded as I walked in, she shut the door. The house felt cold.

I bit my lip

"Who are the flowers for?" she asked putting on the coffee pot.

"Oh...just corey." I shrugged

"I'll take them." She offered

I sighed and handed them over, she smiled and put them in a jar. "They're pretty." She smiled

I nodded "they remind me of him. Even though hes so depressed all the time. He shines so brightly. So yellow is the colour I associate with him."

She nodded as she poured our coffees. I sat down as she placed mine in front of me. I looked down at it.

"How have you been joey?" she asked sitting down opposite me.

"Shit." I mumbled. "Hows corey been?"

"Shit." She sighed

I nodded

"Look, joey, uh. Hes not here right now. So I think its important you know. Theres a huge family running of mental illness in general." She started

"O-oh?" I asked

"Mainly depression." She said "I suffer that myself. As I assume my mother did considering her symptoms. But You see, Corey is not like me."

"Well, that's because hes him." I said

"No, that's not what I ment." She sighed "he was meant to have therapy but chose not to. He said it was a waste of time and money we didn't have. But after the big event last year he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder."

"What does that mean?"

"Well. It's a mood disorder, where he shifts between depression and mania and hyper mania. He has normal moods don't get me wrong but he cycles between the two states. but I worry because he, is impulsive, he says he cant find out who is he. He doesnt get it. I know he hurts himself and I know he has sex with anyone who will let him or well till he met you and I can do little to stop either of those." She sighed "theres a lot that comes with it." She played with her fingers "extreme emotions, risky behaviour, quick to anger, paranoid, he unpredictable, he says he fears people leaving which I'm not sure if it's a symptom or insecurity and he tells me often if hes not feeling hes completely numb." She sighed "I think and my own therapist thinks he's struggling with something called borderline personality disorder too, which would come from his background with his mom and everything. Which would include the e abandonment and the more extreme emotion changes."

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