Chapter 39: Joey

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The door shut loudly.

"Well that was fucking rude." I snapped turning to look at her as soon as Corey left, crossing my arms to prove my point.

"You will not speak to me like that." My mom argued back. "Besides he didnt need to stay."

"He was fine here." I argued.

"He was sleeping and smoking." She said "he wasnt doing anything how could he have been fine here?"

"Because he was happy!" I snapped

"Its my house." She snapped back "my rules!"

"Fuck you!" I scoffed

"I said you will not speak to me like that! Nathan!"

"I will!" I yelled "I heard every word you said to him...every word."

"Honeslty Nat-Joey." She shook her head "what is your problem? I bet it's because of him-"

"No!" I yelled "cant you see? It's you mom! You're such're a bitch!"

"If you feel that way you can always move out." she rolled her eyes.

"Fine." I said getting up off the sofa. "I will."

I turned around as her face went white. "W-what?"

"I'll leave."

She bit her lip thinking before scoffing "where will you even stay?"

"Corey's." I shrugged as I began walking up the stairs.

"Why?" she demanded "so he can lead you into smoking? Drugs? What's next nathan?"

"Its joey." I said turning around and facing her "my name is joey, mom." I said glaring. "Joey fucking jordison."

"I named you nathan for a god damn reason! You listen here-"

"Oh shove it." I snarled "you are a bitch! You know the things you do and say are shitty but you do them anyway. Having a go at Corey for wanting to kill himself? You know nothing." I hissed

"I read it all on his file. That wasnt the first time and it sure as hell wont be the last. Hes a freak! I do not like the boy at all! And I want you no where near him why is that so hard to respect?"

"Yeah? and what am I? Hmm? I wear makeup skirts and platforms but you didnt know that did you? You know jack shit!" I yelled "the only reason he tried to kill himself was cause of me okay?"

"Sure, that's what he told you." She scoffed "trying to manipulate you-"

"Yeah? well I knew he wasnt right! I knew what happened in his childhood and I cheated on him!"

"What?" she screamed "you did what?"

"I, joey! Not fucking nathan, cheated on my boyfriend! My emotionally unstable abused fucking boyfriend okay? I did, I knew he'd over reacted but I still made that choice!" I yelled "but you wouldnt know that."

I walked up to the top of the stairs

"Nathan! Nathan you get back here right now!"

"No!" I screamed "I'm leaving!"


"Fuck you!" I yelled slamming my door.

I could hear her yelling from downstairs as I looked around my room, pulling out my suitcase from under my bed.

I pulled my clothes out my draws and wardrobe and threw them in.

My door burst open as she looked at me with disgust.

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