Chapter 18: Corey

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"What?" I blinked up at him as he paced in front of me.

"Hello?! Can you listen? My mother right? We where watching the news the other night and she for real tells me that gay people are disgusting and that shes so proud of me that I haven't given into their lustful intentions. I'm like shut the fuck up you stupid bitch!" Joey ranted

"...yeah." I nodded as I blinked slowly.

"Yeah! And then right, I just say whatever and she tells me I'm being disrespectful like what the fuck?!"

"" I said

"Exactly! I wasnt-"

I sighed as I felt myself zone out. I was trying not to think of things as they tried invading my mind. I didnt know how others felt memories coming over or overtaking but for me it was werid.

If memories where going to resurface with nothing bringing them to the surface. It always started with a headache and a foggy head.

But I was also a migraine sufferer, so I just took aspirin and tried to get on.

Next it would pop into my brain vaulgly more so confusing me and making my head foggy.

Eventually it took over the right side of my brain, trailing it's way into my vision creating a warped sense of reality.

And then it would take over my whole brain. Eating it and showering it in darkness.

And I'd just sit there stunned.

It was hard to bring myself back.

On a mild one, which seemed to be the situation now, it was more so just seeing. When it was extreme it was more so reliving.

But was that even a normal or an okay response?

I didnt know. I felt bad and guilty and gross. And especially because I knew Joey was talking.

I could almost see that piece of shit and I could feel his hands on my shoulders. It was an awful sensation. I shrugged my shoulders trying to get him off. But I was too afraid to do anything.

All I could hear was the situation repeating itself. I didn't want to hear the name callings as I covered my ears.

I hated him.

I could feel my breathing speed up as I felt a hand drag my face upwards. No, I couldn't. Not again.

I could see his smile. As I felt my eyes water. I wanted him to go away.

Shit shit shit.


He grinned and I felt my heart fall into my stomach.

Oh God.

I suddenly felt another hand on my shoulder as I looked up at him, he looked annoyed as he looked at the person touching my shoulder.

I blinked as I saw joey, "are you listening?" He snapped

"Yeah...I'm...uh listening." I shook my head

"God corey."

"Yeah...sorry what?" I blinked

"You weren't listening." He complained

"Sorry." I said

"Jesus...for fuck sake how-hey are you okay?"


"Corey?" He said "corey are you crying?"

I looked at the wall as I felt my limbs grow numb and my sight blurry.

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