Chapter 3: Joey

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I gently grabbed my jacket as I put it on. Again I looked boring. Nothing special. I couldnt on the weekends with my mom home and I couldn't be bothered to change at Sids.

I turned off the light in the downstairs closet as I turned around. I felt my soul leave me body as I blinked almost dropping my jacket and not trying to cuss.

"Where are you going?" My mom asked, tapping her acrylic nails on her jumper.


"If you're going nowhere you wont need your jacket. Will you?" She asked

I sighed "I'm meeting a friend..."

"Who?" She asked instantly

"Just the dude I met at the skatepark." I shrugged "it's not a big deal."

"What's his name then?" She snapped.

"Corey." I said smugly, but not too smugly

"Hmm...Corey who?" She asked

"I...uh..I dont know." I shrugged "I never asked."

"And is this boy in any of your class?" She raised an eyebrow

"No...hes homeschooled." I said..I knew that was a lie, but she wouldnt let me go otherwise.

She hummed before she opened her mouth again "what's his grades like?"

I blinked at her trying to come up with something quickly "good! Hes smart mom. Very smart."

I hoped I wasnt lying there. He came across like he would be.

She rolled her eyes "I swear if this Corey kid turns out to be some sort of...of serial killer Nathan. I wont be picking up the mess." she pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Hes not a serial killer!" I snapped "god. Why would I hang out with one?"

She shrugged "you make bad choices." She said as if were nothing.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes annoyedn before putting on my jacket. "I'll be home soon." I walked out before she could say anything else.

I closed the door and sighed heavily. I was unsatisfied with living here. She was a girls woman. She preferred her two little precious daughters over me. I probely reminded her of my father.

I walked down the road. The sun had finally come out which I was so greatful for as the wind carried the leaves on the floor.

I walked down back to the skate park. My hands in the pockets of my jacket since I didnt bring gloves.

I sung to myself in my head. I was nervous about meeting up with corey again. But he seemed like a genuine guy. Not like a serial killer.

I was probely walking like a mad man. But I was just too pissed to even think properly.

I arrived to the park to see him on the bench, smoking and looking off into space. Playing with the beanie on his head.

"Hey." I smiled approaching him

He didnt respond, I frowned and walked in front of him, waving my hand back and forth.

Why wasnt he responding?

"Corey?"  I called "hello?"

He slowly began blinking before he jumped slightly "Joey? When did you get here?"

I chuckled "uh...I was right in front of you....are you okay?"

"I'm fine." He nodded "you alright? You look kinda tense."

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