Chapter 2: Corey

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I was late...I could see Joey looking nervous as he sat on the bench alone. I felt so bad.

I couldnt sleep for the majority of the night. I had tried, but the nightmares kept me up, by the time I managed to get off to sleep, I accidnelty slept in.

I felt so embarrassed, but I tried to play it off cool. Afterall, Joey was still here for a reason. And I really hoped it wasn't because he felt he had to. I mean I didn't know him...

"Hey!" I called over, he smiled as he walked over to me. I put my hands in my pockets as I made my way over.

"Hi!" He grinned

He didnt bring up the fact I was late, or not yet. Which I was greatful for.

"Thanks for coming." I laughed scratching the back of my neck.

Joey nodded.

Joey wasnt wearing any makeup today, he was in a black hoodie and sweat pants.

He looked totally different.

But he looked more comfortable which I found funny considering.

We stood in the park for a moment, the last few leaves blowing off the trees. It was late January as the rain fell harder.

"Sorry..." he apologized "I can't remember your name..."

"Corey." I smiled

He smiled too "I've never met anyone with that name before."

"I've never met a Joey...met Joseph's though." I commented

"Yeah...well I'm not a Joseph." He shrugged really defensively.

I nodded "okay? Youre joey. I thought we established that." I said

He smiled softly "yeah! Yeah I'm joey!"

I could tell immediately it wasnt his real name. But the fact it made him happy was respectable. Afterall we all had things we didnt like to be called. Including myself.

My life was less than satisfactory. In fact it was a shit storm. Issue is karma existed and when other peoples shit hits the ceiling fan. It covers everyone in its wake.

I was caught in that wake. The crossfire of no dad, a shell of a woman, bad choices, and more.

The lead bullets from that crossfire which resided within my skin, every strike ever made against me by step fathers and my moms friends, every assault against my person. Every little name I'd been called. All slowly poisoned me. Made me a bitter person.

I was an enigma. And I wanted to watch the world burn. I wanted to kill everyone who had ever sinned against me to make me Most people would say be greatful, that's your life, people have it worse you get what you get.

But. I didnt feel it had to be that way. If you're gonna say the dark things that happened to me where my fault and I was taught to know better. I'm going to ask why I wasn't taught what to do after. I mean logically why did I have no help?

But that was a lie. There was people there for me.

I just liked to feel sorry for myself and ever since getting a label from a shitty doctor I used it as a reason too.

"So!" I spoke up. Pulling myself out my thoughts. "Wanna head to a diner since the weather is a little bit-" We both looked up as the rain poured down.

I watched Joey shiver. "Yes please."

I nodded as I began to trail off down the wet path. I knew I walked like the weight of the world was on my shoulders, but honeslty it really was.

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