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They say time heals, but why am I still dwelling on the past. Why do I still feel a little broken? A ear piercing scream draws my attention.

"Venessa! Your babies do not favor me. Not one bit. Please come to my rescue!" 

I laugh internally. Leave it to Krystal to be as dramatic as ever. 

"I'm coming!" 

I hop out of my bath water and swiftly wrap my bathrobe around my damp body. Well my five minutes of peace were nice while it lasted. I enter my living room to find a exhausted Xander and Krystal. 

"I am so sorry. They have been so fussy this morning. You guys are such a big help."

 I pick up Valen from Krystal, then place him in his bouncer. I then do the same with Taylin. However my baby girl chose to be defiant when I place her in the bouncer.

"Mama, what's wrong?" 

I coo to her wide eyed. And yes, my mystery gender baby turned out to be a girl. I laugh at how demanding she is. I just can't deny her.  She is also very protective of her older brother. She seems to hold that natural mother like love. Which is why I call her mama. Valen begins to cry. Aw he's jealous. 

"Don't worry buddy. Mommy loves both of you guys both. Equally." I kiss them on the forehead and a shiny lip print is left. In response, Taylin laughs while Valin stares at me in aww. Then he smiles. 

"Aww I love you too."

Xander speaks out, "They look so much like you."

"Well duh, I did birth them. They are my children. They did come out of my pussy." I sass.

He rolls his eyes. "You know what I mean. I can point out specific features and know you have the same ones."

"Ya. They do look like me. My gifts from heaven."

I stare at my babies. Both  of them have have their father's dark chocolate brown hair, with big light brown eyes. Both took my full lips and small nose, but they are a mix between both of our skin tones. Creating the most beautiful creamy tan. 

Valen giggles as I rock them, causing me to smile in return. Words cannot explain how much I love them because my love for them is infinite. Yet, I still feel empty.

"So how are you and your family?" 

His unexpected question catches me off guard.
I look at Xander and reply, "Strained. My mother and sister are alright, but my father, Devin, and the Singletons do not agree with my choices. But I could not give a fuck less."

Xander nods in understanding. Changing the subject Krys voices, "I still can not believe the twins are already three months." 

"I know right. Time really does fly. And what about you miss girl? You are three months pregnant!" The couple laughs. 

"I really can not wait to be parents." Xander looks at Krystal's stomach, then her eyes and smiles lovingly. 

"I really am happy for you guys." 

I grin. Who would have known that after a near death experience, and witnessing a live porn show, they stick by my side. I love them for that.

"Thank you." They jump in surprise, as if they forgot I am still in the room. I shake my head smirking. 

"Thank you for staying by my side is what I mean." They both nod. 

"You are very much so welcome girly." Krystal then throws me a wink. "Besides, if it wasn't for you I would never have learned about all those different sex positions." I gasp. 

"Krys that is not funny!" I grab my children then walk away. My face the same color as a tomato. I really can't stand her sometimes. 


It's late in the afternoon when Xander and Krystal leave. My home now feels empty. A cold chill runs down my spine and like a mask has been placed on, I become anxious. Then angry, and finally I am overwhelmed with sadness. Why? Why do I feel this broken? I have everything I need. Food, a nice home, money, my children, and yet I still don't feel whole. 

"Maybe it is postpartum," I tell myself. I feel numb. 

I end up crying myself to sleep. Not even having the strength to make it to my bedroom. Three in the morning and I am hit with the sudden urge to pee. 

"Ugh I swear I am cursed." 

After doing my business I head to my room to check on my babies. Something is not right. I scurry to their cribs and there they are sleeping peacefully, but I feel as if someone else is in the room with me. I move to the light switch, flicking it on. I see no one. My babies begin to stir so I quickly turn the lights back off. (It can be hell trying to get them to sleep.) 

Once content with my inspection I settle into my bed falling into slumber.

UnKnown POV

I sense her heartbeat increase, so to avoid being discovered I quickly open the sliding doors and slip out to her balcony. After she suspects it was nothing, I return to the dark bedroom. I watch over her as she sleeps. In a few year she will be mine. I shift over to the two children sleeping in their cribs. A boy and a girl. Hmm, already she has blessed me with children. I smile and lean down to give each of them a kiss on the head. 

I whisper lightly, "Your mother does not know her full potential yet, but soon everything will come to light. There is still much to uncover." 

I put a hand on my children. Much warmer than I am. Their smooth skin feels like butter compared to my rough hands. I release a satisfied sigh.

"Until then little ones, take care of mommy and do not let Tristen near her." 


So it is the end of the road here and I hope you all liked my story. I will probably work on part two, but now I will be taking a mental break. Anyways what do you think will happen? Will Tristen and Nessa work it out? Who was in Venessa's house? Let me know what you think by commenting and be sure to vote!!


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