Chapter 5

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Señora Perez closes the door as the last few students enter the classroom. She then walks to her desk picking up a stack of paper, her shoes make a soft click clack sound as she walks. She hands the stack to a student and instructs them to take one and pass it along. Once the papers reach me I take one and pass it to some guy named Chasetin. He flashes me a wink and in return I blow him a slight kiss. Not something I would normally do, but a little flirten never hurt. Right? I return my focus to the sheet of paper in my hand. Great, I already have a project to do I speak mentally, but my thoughts are quickly shortened by the voice of my teacher.

"Bien clase (Alright class), for your assignment you are to partner up. Wait, not just yet, I'll tell you when to find a partner. Let me explain your project to you first." 

The class sits back down. 

"For your project, you will be pretending you are a celebrity doing an interview on a talk show. One of you will be the host asking questions, and the other will be the celeb answering the questions. You are to record yourself and present in class in three weeks. So, dress up and have fun, this is a creative project where you make up your own questions. Appropriate questions! This is still a school." 

Some students let out little giggles at her comment. "Oh and remember this is a Spanish class. Clase de español, so the whole interview will be in español." 

I laugh at her facial expressions. Not gonna lie I was excited about this project and three weeks is plenty of time. The only challenging part is gonna be finding a partner who will actually be helpful. 

"Bien chicos y chicas. (Okay boys and girls)" "Go get a partner."  

Before I could even get out of my chair to assess the people to pick from, Chasetin grabs my arm and claims me as his partner. While I'm still sitting, I look up at Chasetin and give him a slight smirk. His hazel eyes sparkle as he looks at me returning the smirk.  He then takes the empty seat right of me. Though, once more my attention is grabbed by Señora Perez's voice.

"Alright class, seems there is an odd number of students and Mr. Tristen Singleton doesn't have a partner, so I'm just gonna left him pick and one group will have tres (three) people instead of dos (two)."  

He looks at the class and our eyes meet. A small grin grows on his face.

"That group." 

He points a finger in my direction, hoping he is pointing at the group behind me. Unfortunately, he approaches Chasetin and I taking a seat. I let out a dramatic sigh, causing both boys to shift their gaze to me. I change my sitting position to avoid their eyes and find myself looking at Devin, who is clearly amused by my reaction to my new partners. My inner voice tries to calm my nerves (Venessa you look good, feel good, and you will have a good day. Positive vibes girly. It's not like you are being forced to marry them. Hmph, I lightly chuckle, remember smile and nod, keep your cool, and don't let them think they intimidate you.  I start off the conversation.

"So, who's gonna be the celebrity?" 

I look at them both and it occurs to me that neither one of them are listening, instead they were having a deadly stare off. What the actual heck is wrong with these two.  So, while they're doing...their thing I write down my idea. One of the boys is a music artist, the other is the manager, and I'll be the interviewer asking about how the music artist became so successful, what made him start music, etc. I think it's a pretty spiffy idea. I put my led pencil down satisfied.

"Watcha written down there?", Chasetin ask looking over my shoulder. Oh great now he wants to know what I'm doing. I hand him my notebook and he reads over it.

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