Chapter 16

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I wake up early the next morning. Five am to be exact. I need to get out of this state. Away from my family. I know they'll be looking for me, no hunting me down, so I need to get as far away from them as possible. I take a quick shower and freshen up. Then head to the lobby in the motel grabbing a donut. I see a small tv behind the checkin desk that's turned onto the news. Shit! already? 

I see a picture of myself and a description of what I look like saying that I'm missing. Crap I thought I would have a little more time before they filed a missing report. I checkout quickly and slip away without anyone noticing. Lucky me. I walk down the street and signal for a taxi. Once one approaches I hop in.  

"Where to?" The driver asks. 

"Do you know any phone stores near by? Then can you take me to a car dealership?" 

"Um sure, never been asked that before." I relax in the back seat waiting patiently for my destination to arrive. 

"Here we are a phone store and the car dealership is right over there," he points. 

"Thanks Mr. What's my total?" I strain to check how much I have to pay. 

"Uh, $34.58," he tells me. I dig into my bag finding my wallet and pull out a fifty handing it to him. I get out the car and close the door leaving. 

"Wait ma'am your change..." I heard him call faintly but signaled him to jut keep it. I can't waste any time. The phone store and car place are in the same area so I can just walk across. I do a light jog carrying my duffel bag. I probably look crazy but who cares. Entering the Apple store I browse through the phones on display picking one out and paying for it in full. Purchasing the latest iPhone with a charger, and because I don't have a phone service anymore I buy a prepaid phone. Leaving the shop I head to buy a car I have my driver's license but thats about it. So hopefully I can buy a car without being questioned by bribing them with a little bit of money.

I end up buying a used white 2016 Volkswagen Jetta for a little bit more than fifteen thousand. Paying more than normal in order to shut the car dealer up. Mission accomplished. I have a car and phone. Now to change my appearance, leave the state, and find a job.  I type in a destination into my new phone. New York. The screen loads and the directions show. 

"OMG 16 freakin hours! And thats the fastest route. From Atlanta to New York it's sixteen hours." I sigh already tired and I haven't even drove yet. I start up the car, "Big apple here I come."


"Where is she? It's been more than twenty-four hours and she is not home!" 

Mr. Goodwin yells at the police officer in desperation, and worry. Nessa completely vanished we saw on the hospital security cameras that she left, but where to? And it's taking every fiber in my body not to kill all the doctors and nurses. How the hell did they let her get away? She ran away with our baby. My baby! I'm so fucking pissed. I pace up and down the police station counting in my head in Italian trying to calm down. Mrs. Goodwin cries in a corner while hugging Valeria, my mother and brother are on the phone calling people, asking if they seen her, and Alissa and Devin are calling other family members in the mafia. Alerting them that the new heir has just disappeared from the face of the Earth. It is risky alerting the mafia because if the wrong person gets ear learning that the new mafia queen is on the run, it will make things a whole lot more strenuous. I pull out my phone to text Carlos. As much as I don't want him near my girl I know how good he is with tracking people down, and I need her back. I need them back, her and our baby. After I make the call I put my phone away and run a hand through my hair. Feeling nothing but stress. I step outside for a breather and slouch against the cold brick wall. 

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