Chapter 3

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I turn around so fast, almost getting whiplash and see Mr. Curly Headed jerk. 

"Is your name on it?"

"No, but I've sat here everyday since freshman year, and everyone knows that. So move!" Well damn, someone is really committed to this spot.

He yells at me with anger in his voice.  Is he really mad at me about a seat, clearly he knows I'm new here. I turn back around facing the table and continue to eat. Flipping him the bird flashing a peach painted nail at him.

"How bout you make me." 

Mumbling under my breath, part of me hoping he heard me. The other part hoping he didn't and would just go away. Praying internally he would leave, but he didn't. Instead he pulls my chair out and sits on my lap. In pure shock I yelp, causing people to turn toward us. My face heats up and I turn cherry red. 

"What the fuck! You dick!" I whisper-yell trying not to cause any more attention. 

"Thanks for the free seat cushion." He grins looking down at me. As I struggle to push him off someone calls my name. 

"Venessa?" I knew that voice and was too embarrassed to face them. Then I heard the shutter go off on a camera and turn my head towards the sound in horror. 

"Devin you pig, stop taking pictures!"He laughs while I cover my face. 

"Come on Tristen, get off her man", he says through his laughs.  Mr. Curly-Headed Jerk rises off me, a smirk emerges on his face, and he moves to the chair across from me. Devin takes a seat sitting to my right.

"Is this the curly-headed jerk you mentioned early?" Devin laughs again pointing.  

"Yes. And do you two know each other?" I ask looking back and forth between the two.  Devin looks at me and smirks and begins to speak.

"Venessa meet Tristen, my best friend. Tristen meet Venessa, the ugly one of the family." I step on his foot, so he could revise his last sentence. 

"I mean, Venessa my annoying little cousin. This time I slap the back of his neck. 

"Correction," I say. "His favorite, very  pretty, little cousin." 

Devin laughs. "Pretty is not the word I would use to describe you. More like ugly hag, but okay. Whatever makes you happy." He is literally the worst.

Just as I am about to say something rude back, he changes the subject by saying, "Well, at least you already met my friend." 

Caught off guard I say, "Friend? Just one? You said I would be eating lunch with your friendss." I added emphasis to the s  at the end, dragging it out.

"Oh, the rest are coming now." I turn to look behind me and see two other guys. Two big, cute, tall guys, both headed my way. They make their way to the table with their food, and settle down in the chairs that were left. A blond-headed boy with blue eyes sits next to me, he smiles showing me pearly white teeth with aqua braces. The same color as his eyes I might add.  

"I'm Carlos," he states. 

"Venessa." I hold my hand out for him to shake it. He does. Beside Carlos is a brunette with dark wavy hair that stops just past his ears. He looks at me and nods unable to speak due to his mouth being completely stuffed with food.

"That's Austin," Carlos adds. 

I let out a little laugh and that's when I catch him staring at me. Tristen's brown eyes, dark and shallow staring a hole into my soul. He has a frown on his face and his arms are crossed as he slouches in his seat. He stares at me looking irritated. I roll my eyes and focus on a more important problem. My sister's words replay in my head. " No boys." Welp, I already broke that rule. 

"Devin, there is a lack of girls at this table. You don't have any female friends? I whispered. Obviously not understanding I'm uncomfortable, he blurts out, "I don't do "female friends" anymore now that I have a girlfriend."

"You have a girlfriend, where is she!" Shocked and excited I lightly punch his arm

"She's sitting with her friends." I look to him  in surprise, Mr. player has finally decided to settle down. This girl must be something special. But, I kept that comment to myself. Instead I say, "Well congratulations, oh and I guess I'll see you next period."

"Nope. Mom and dad said you need to socialize. So sit down and speak." 

"No thank you. I lost my appetite. You might want to take these." I hand him a pick of mint tic-tacs. Then I grabbed my trash from my lunch (even though I only ate a coconut  granola bar) and headed to the girls restroom. I could not take Tristen's hard staring or being the only girl at the table,  so I did what any sensible person would do. Evacuated myself from the situation. 

The school day went on pretty well after lunch. I didn't get lost and I met Devin's girlfriend Alissa. (Turns out Tristen and Alissa are twin brother and sister.) But, I'm not gonna let that keep us from being friends.  Although, it's not like I had a choice either, because Alissa practically stole me and claimed me as her child. Saying, "I always wanted a little sister, omg I can't wait to go shopping with you!" 

I like her vibe though, she's pretty, with brown wavy hair,and two lime green streaks in the front. Her eyes are brown and she wears a stud nose piercing. Never would have striked me as a girly-girl, but I guess looks can be deceiving, and besides Alissa was sweet. It baffles me why she's with my cousin, but opposites attract. 

After School

"Mommy were home!" I yell to my mother as I walk in the door, and yes I still call her mommy, childish I know. But, last time I checked, I'm still a child. 

"So how was school, make any friends?" 

"It was okay, I got lost, was late to class, saw Devin and no." 

"Well that's nice honey." Clearly she was only half listening, but that's not a first for me. I head to my bathroom and take a nice twenty minute shower, had to wash away that Tristen guy's scent off my clothes. After I had my soothing shower I put on my Winnie the Pooh onesie, sit on my bed and start on my homework.

Knock, knock.

"Yes, come in." 

"Is there something you want to tell me?" My sister comes in holding her phone out, displaying an image of Tristen sitting on my lap. (I am going to kill Devin!) I jump up and try to grab her phone, but she pulls away.

"You naughty girl. I told you to stay away from boys. They just cause unnecessary drama and heartbreak!" She has a stern look on her face.

"Valeria, I kno-" 

"Who am I kidding, you're my sister! Of course boys will be all over you, we have good genes." She flips her hair and is on the way out my door until I call her.

"Valeria, wait! Please don't tell mom or dad." 

"Tell mom and dad? Of course I'm not. You don't even know half of the things I did at your age." (I guess being a player runs in the family.) And with that, she heads out my room.    

"Ugh, what an eventful day." I slump down on my bed feeling exhausted, surprised, and confused.

"And to think I have to do it all over for 179 more days." 


Hope you enjoyed. This part was definitely more fun to write, LMAO! 

Oh and P.S. just a daily reminder that BLACK LIVES MATTER 🖤                                                                                                                          -TheRoach

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