Chapter 13

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Tristen's POV

I start up my car, then type in the address to Lola's. I've been to her a few times, but she constantly moves. Saying she wants to "find new customers".  When I reach my destination, I pull up at a nice modern looking house with a stone walkway surrounded by Hydrangea flowers. I ring the doorbell and it immediately opens. 

"I heard you pull up", she says cheerily.  I send her a smirk and she grabs my arm pulling me along. I don't spend anytime looking around the inside of her house, for I only came for one thing. And that is to release my sexual frustration. 

"Where do you wanna do it? I already disinfected, so you can choose any place." 

I look down on her and say, "We can do it right here in your living room." 


She smiles and struts over to me. Lola cuffs my face, then begins kissing me. Her soft lips were sweet, but not as sweet as Nessa's. Fuck, stop thinking about her I tell myself. I grab the perky blond's thighs, picking her up. We walk over to the couch and I through her down. I sit between her legs and we aggressively kiss. Damn, I can't do this. I have a girl now. She begins to pull up my shirt, but I back away. 

"I'm sorry Lola, but I can't do this anymore. It feels wrong." 

"What does", she asks slightly disappointed. 

"This, having sex. With you. Don't worry though, you'll still get paid. I already sent it to you. I just don't wanna have sex anymore." 

"Hmm. I can tell that something is off. You usually are more aggressive and do things at a faster pace." She chuckles. "Do you have a special someone?" I shrug. 

"Ya... it's, something like that." She nods then shoos me off. 

"Well, go hurry and fix things with them. I don't want to come between anyone." 

I think about how many married men have probably slept with her, but don't say anything.  I leave her house returning to my car. I pick up my phone which I left inside my car seeing a new message from Derik. 

Derik: We are having dinner tonight with a important family, so dress nice and be home by six. 6pm. Not 6am. I know how you like to twist my words.

I set my phone back down now feeling slightly agitated. "Why the hell do I have to come!?"

I look in my mirror one last time adjusting my tie. 

"This shit better be worth it." 

My curly hair still damp from my shower gave me a more sophisticated look, yet I still gave off a rebellious  aura. You could just barely see my neck tattoos. I tried to hide them as much as possible considering my parents didn't really like them, but it's whatever. 

"Armani! Mother is calling you. She wants you to hurry up so we can leave." 

I hear my older brother call me knowing I hate it when he uses my middle name. I head down the spiraling steps still in a sour mood. 

"Aw, fratellone di cinque minuti. Sembri così jazzato!" (Aw, big bro by five minutes. You look so jazzy!) 

I look at my sister and glare. Who the heck is so important that we all have to attend? Usually it's just mom and dad.

Stepping out of the all black 2021 kia sorento, I approach a very familiar house. The same white house, black windows, and porch. My heart beat speeds up. Going at a unbelievable rate, almost as if its going to burst through my chest any second. My mother rings the doorbell and we patiently wait. 

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