Chapter 9

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I try to push back my unholy memories of the previous night, but they keep resurfacing.

"Ugh! You know what? I'm just going to get ready for school and act like everything is normal." I speak to myself in the mirror and smile. Trying to put on a brave face.  Walking to my closet, I grab my black pencil skirt , a ruffled white blouse and some white heels.  I get dressed and pull my curly hair into a sleek low ponytail. I apply chapstick and head out the door with the rest of my things.  

I meet my sister at her car already inside waiting for me. I open the door and slip into the front passenger seat. 

"Good morning my beautiful baby sister." I roll my eyes.

"Firstly, good morning to you as well. I love your nails. Secondly, I'm am not a baby."

"There is a six year age difference between us. So, yes, yes you are a baby." I let out a small laugh in response.

"Sooo.., why aren't you with Derik?"

"Well, bae had to go on a two week business trip, but to make up for leaving, he took me to get my nails and toes done."

 I stare at the road in annoyance. Of coarse he did, man what does that guy do for a living? He is always showering my sister in gifts. He's bought things for me as well but I refuse to give in. You can not buy me. Can't really say the same for my sister though. She has her own money but likes being spoiled by him, I don't get it though. Why have someone else spoil you when you have the funds to spoil yourself. Don't get me wrong though, I'm glad my sister is happy. I can tell just by the way her face lights up when she speaks about him. However, Derik is off, he doesn't seem to be the cheating type, but he definitely doesn't have a normal job. I sigh, deciding not to stress over my sister's relationship anymore. I guess things will come to light when it's time. 

 On the way to school, my sister stops by Chick-fil-a and gets me breakfast. I truly do love her, not just because she buys me food, but that's a bonus. Once at school, I head to my locker then to Spanish class. Entering, I notice a certain someone hasn't made it to class yet. And surprisingly, I'm happy he didn't show. 

Things went on pretty smoothly from there, except the fact I had had to improvise on our Spanish project. Saying that my "husband" went on an unexpected business trip. But, overall my outfit went really well with our theme. After class is over, I scurry to the girls restroom and put on my change of clothes. Some baggy ripped jeans and white nike pullover. Unfortunately for me, I forgot to pack extra shoes. So, now I have to walk around in these heels all day. Having a few minutes to spare, I finally check my phone that I had powered off. 

"What the heck who do I have fifty-eight missed calls from?" 

Opening the contacts, it is none other than Tristen himself. I listen to the voicemails he left then check my messages. Once read, it explains why he hasn't been in class and why I haven't seen Alissa, but I still didn't respond to him. Not ready to face that path. I gather my things and head out the restroom, but as soon as I open it I run into a figure. 

"I'm so sorr-..., Carlos? What are you doing outside the girls restroom?"

"I was passing by it, didn't mean to run into you. Again." 

I furrow my brows giving him a unsure  smile, but don't bother pressing him for more answers. If I don't hurry I'm going to be late to class. My heels make a soft click clack sound.

"Venessa wait, I'll walk you." I turn back around and nod. What? I'm feeling a little lonely, and Devin already left me. So, why not. The walk was slightly awkward. I wanted to speak, but didn't know how to start.

"Here we are. Yah, um, I'll see you fourth period I guess."

"Okay." I nod once more then enter the class. That was awkward, without a doubt. 

Over the past week, surprisingly I became quite acquainted with Carlos. I learned that he has a younger brother and sister. His mother is now four months pregnant with another boy. Carlos is a barista at Starbucks and he's seventeen going on eighteen. I even went on a coffee date with him and eventually exchanged numbers. He made it his daily routine to call and tell me goodnight and good morning each day. Giving me butterflies every time.  Total opposite of most boys, he wasn't afraid to show emotion. Which is probably why I enjoyed his company. 

It was the end of the school day and I was on my way to my sisters awaiting car. But as I walked to the car line something felt off. I have the feeling I'm being watched, but by whom. Shaking the eerie feeling off, I hop into the  black Jeep Cherokee.


So, I ran into a brief writers block and didn't know how to really go about this chapter but I finally completed it. Yay!!! Anyways hope you guys like the story so far. P.S. Black Lives Matter.   


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