"Sorry if jaspers an inconvenience to you, but this isn't the ark every life down here matters." Clarke says finally snapping.

"Take a look at him he's a lost cause." Bellamy says making everyone go quiet until Clarke looks at Octavia and I.

"I've spent my whole life watching my mother heal people, if I say there's hope then there's hope." She says and we just give her small smiles.

"You don't have the guts to make the hard choices I do." Bellamy says walking off. "If he's not Better by tomorrow, I'll kill him myself."

"I'm about to punch your gut if you don't get the hell out." I mumble trying to keep my calm not wanting to cause more issues. Bellamy walks down the ladder calling for us to follow him but we stay not wanting to be near him.

Later that day the guys went hunting so I could walk around without worrying about Bellamy popping out some where. I really wanted to go hunting mostly to see Atom but also to annoy Bellamy who I decided was an ass but why did he have to be so cute. Wait he's not cute ugh shut up Davina.

There was all the sudden a yellow fog filling the air. I stood there watching with everyone else who was outside until people started coughing and then it hit me causing me to cough and almost choke as I decided with everyone else to run into the drop ship. I go to the second floor where Jasper was when Murphy tried getting in causing Monty to sit on the hatch bouncing whenever Murphy hit the door trying to get it open to kill Jasper.

"Help." Monty says as he began bouncing more making me think quick joining him on sitting on the hatch bouncing along with him.

"I'm going to kill Murphy when this is over." I say loud enough for him to hear looking down at the hatch we were sitting on. "Here me Murphy? You better run when this is over I'm going to find you." I say laughing bitterly to myself causing Monty to give me a scared look but I just shook my head to tell him I wasn't going to actually do it causing him to smile at me amused. Octavia comes over with a bar to lock the hatch making me smile since my butt was starting to hurt.

I woke up hearing people move around from below meaning the fog had probably cleared up. I slowly open the hatch seeing only a couple of people down there and no Murphy.

"I'm going to get fresh air." I tell them reviving a thumbs up from Octavia who was laying on the floor.

I walked out seeing everyone return making me sigh in relief even seeing Bellamy, I rush to Finn giving him a hug which he didn't hesitate in returning. I look around to see Octavia joined my side.

"Where's Atom?" I ask smiling a little looking around the group of people trying to spot him. When I couldn't Bellamy and Clarke blocked me view from something forcing me to push through them seeing something I didn't want to see.

"A-atom?" I croak out lifting the jacket off his head making me cry when Octavia came to my side. "Oh my god."

"Octavia, Davina I-" Bellamy try's to say but I couldn't say anything Octavia did it for me.

"Dont." She says helping me up and bringing me to the drop ship were Jasper is holding me in her arms.

"Are you okay?" She asks me.

"We have to get used to people dying down here." I say my tears slowly stopping realizing so many people are going to die and there would be nothing we could do about that.

"Jaspers not going to die though." Octavia says to me and then Jasper making me smile.

"He's not allowed to die." I say confirming making everyone around us smile. "I'm going to go outside."

I walked to Bellamy tents and I don't know why I did but I wanted to tell him I'm not mad just upset. I walk in seeing him playing with a piece of grass in his hands.

"Hey." I say sitting on the sleeping bag he was on causing him to look up at me and he give me a small hesitant smile.

"H-hi." He says not sure what to say to me.

"I'm not mad at you, I'm just upset over the loss that's all. When I saw him I knew why you guys did what you did you saved him from the pain Bell and I can't be mad at you for that." I tell him looking at the wall of his tent when I felt him move to look at me and I see a ghost smile on his face.

"I'm glad your not mad at me I don't think I could've taken that." He says causing me to laugh a little kissing his cheek before walking out of his tent leaving a stunned Bellamy holding his hand to his cheek where the girl he wanted kissed him.

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