Day 5

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5th April 2009

I felt you embracing me tighter, and you planted a kiss to my lips. I groaned as I opened my eyes, feeling groggy as I just woke up. Your chuckle was a mellow timbre that I found very attractive, right from the day I first met you. Not being entirely awake, I wanted to lie in as it was a Sunday, so I shut my eyes defiantly and feigned sleep.

You snuggled me, knowing fully well that it tickles me, rendering me into squirming around awkwardly in bed. I managed to let out “Stop!” in midst of your playful snuggle. When you didn’t stop, I desperately fumbled for your face and when I felt your smile, I rushed into planting a kiss into your laughing lips. You momentarily stopped, and I playfully jabbed your ribs.

I wanted to continue on jabbing you as revenge for the unduly snuggling, but you caught my flailing arms and pulled me closer. I smelled your scent, and felt you tightening your embrace. I hugged you tighter, and suddenly, I felt an odd sensation on my finger, the one with the wedding ring.

Still encircled in embrace, I had to struggle to take a peek at the ring, and what I saw surprised me. It was doing the weird glowing thing again; but this time, I noticed something. My ring was a slight bluish in color.

Was emeralds supposed to do that? A sense of curiosity slowly building within me, I tried to break free from our embrace to take a better look at the ring. Seeing that I was struggling to break free, you playfully hugged me tighter; and in the battle of strengths, naturally you won and I surrendered in your loving embrace.

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