Day 7

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7th April 2009

Screech! A sickening bang was heard as the impact of it threw you off the windscreen. You lay there, in a lifeless heap. I screamed my lungs out as I ran to you; but was stopped midway by the bystanders and I wrestled to get to you whilst screaming your name.

I watched helplessly as the trail of fire suddenly reached the gas tank, your car exploded right in front of me and so did you. I jolted wide awake, letting out a scream while sweating profusely. You woke right up and comforted me, who by then was crying uncontrollably.

It was just a dream; but it was so realistic. It felt like it really happened. Sickened, I had to hug you for the rest of the night to sleep; it felt like you were going to disappear and by hugging you, I could somehow stop that.

‘It isn’t real, it isn’t real’ I comforted myself as I slowly drifted to sleep, whilst unknowingly, my emerald ring was turning even more bluish in color; glimmering evilly, in the dark of the night.

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