Day 4

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4th April 2009

It was your birthday. I had planned this day for months, and it was a successful surprise, I must say. Instead of typical at-home surprises that I know that you would be wary of in the years that such occurrences happened since we knew each other; I surprised you by bringing you to your grandpa’s house on the pretext that your grandpa wanted to celebrate with you. Knowing that your grandpa was aged, and that he usually disliked surprises, you thought that we would have a traditional celebration; little did you know that your old man had a little bit of mischief left in him.

With your suspicions at bay, we drove to his house, and as you entered his premises, sudden blasts of music and pops of confetti shot through the door surprised you so, that your mouth was agape for a good minute or two.

When realizations that you were pranked by us all who came; your wide grin was immortalized in the video that I captured that night. Then, you turned to me and mockingly chided me, and I half ran in pretense that I was fearful; you caught up with me in just a few long strides as a leopard would to his prey.

You caught me in a tight embrace and snuggled me while I laughed hysterically. “I love you” you whispered hotly in my ears and I turned to say “I Love –” but was cut short when your lips caught mine. I circled my arms on your neck as I tiptoed to kiss you.

In a flash, I saw my emerald wedding ring shining briefly. Curious, I wanted to pull off, but you suddenly deepened your kiss and I drowned in bliss.

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