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I was walking back to the apartment here in London, when suddenly a young woman bumped into me, her bag falling.

When she looked at me in the eye, I couldn't believe it. That's my principessa, my baby sister. After almost 14 years I had found her. (Princess)

When she realized I was fine, I called Emiliano. He's our oldest brother, after someone kidnapped Antonella he became cold and distant, and even more when our parents died on a plane crash.

Phone call
(E: Emiliano; C: Carlos)

E: How did the meeting go?

C: Well hello to you too brother!

E: I don't have time for your shit. What do you want?

C: Fine, straight to the point. How do I say it...?

E: Just say it!

C: OK, OK. I'm 100% sure that I saw our sorellina Antonella.


C: Are you there?

E: ...

C: Um.. hello?

E: If you're 100% sure, then follow her to be 200%. We can't risk to be wrong.

C: Sure, I'll follow her to talk to her parents about us. See you!

E: See you

End phone call

After the phone call, that's what I did. After  following her for a while, she stopped in her tracks, turned around and pinned me to the wall holding a knife/dagger to my throat.  It was quite impressive.

When she believed the lie about me making sure she arrived to her home safe, she turned around the corner and dissapeared. I started to panick and called Massimo since he's easier to talk to than Emiliano.

I had only one job: follow her. And I screwed up. How could I be so careless? Ughh... this is infuriating!

The next day

It was almost 11 am when my brothers Massimo and Marcos, my second and third elder brothers, arrived at the hotel, I guided them to where I last saw Antonella but we didn't see her. To calm myself my brothers took me to a bar to drown my sorrows, it was either that or I punched someone on the face, so I think they made the right choice.

When we arrived there I saw her and I couldn't believe it, why was she working here? Hell, why was she working at all? Did the owner of the bar not know that she's a minor? I couldn't handle my mind so I walked to her and said
"Happy to see you again"

When she turned around and saw me she said "Stalking is a crime, did you know that?" To which I replied "I do, but I swear both times were a coincidence"

"And what about yesterday when you were following me? By the way, what's wrong with your friends? They look as if they had seen a ghost"

I was about to answear when a shotgun was heard. Everyone inside the bar quickly hid but she didn't. She's supposed to be scared, why isn't she? But before me or my brothers could shoot that stupid man, our sister threw a knife at his throat.  She really is a Lombardi!

After that, she walked to the man and wispered something in his ear but not before digging another knife into his heart.

"Lei veramente è una di noi" Massimo said (She really is one of us!)
"Lei pare moltissimo a mamma, credi che anche lei usa occhiagli?" Marcos said
(She looks a lot like mom, do you think she also wears glasses?)

But before I could answer them, Antonella did.


"Si, ho bisogno di occhiagli. Come sapevi?" (Yes, I need glasses. How did you know?) I said. They looked both shocked and proud. Why? I don't know but it's not like I really cared.

"You know Italian?" Friend A asked. Since I don't know their names I'm calling friend A to the tall one who had green eyes and a beautiful shade of brownish hair. Oh no! What if he's the one that Carlos called yesterday?

"Yes, I do. Now, can you let me clean this so you can explain why you keep following me?" But before they could answer I said "Great, thank you so much. Wait for me in the back" and with that they left.

I called my boss to explain what had happened and not even five minutes later a man took the body away. I took that as my sign to go to the back with those wierd man. Don't worry! I know self defense and I have my knives back.

Once there, they looked anxious and as if they didn't know what to say so I was the one to break the silence.

"Who are you?"

"You already know me, I'm Carlos and these are two of my older brothers. Massimo and Marcos" he said pointing at them. Turns out friend A was Massimo while friend B was Marcos. He didn't look similar to any of them, he looked more like me but he was clearly way older than me.

"Still, that doesn't explain why you were following me; and Massimo could you please stop? I know I'm pretty but staring it's creepy"

Marcos and Carlos burst out laughing and Massimo turned red as a tomato.

"I'm sorry" mumbled Massimo.

"Excuse my brother, principessa, he's just weird. As I was about to say, I was following you because we need to know if you are who we think you are."

"And may I ask who do you think I am?" I asked, curiosity taking over me.

Carlos looked at his brothers then at me then at his brothers again and finally at me but he couldn't utter a word, so Marcos said the one thing that changed my entire life

"We believe you're our baby sister"


960 words

Aithne, Badass PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now