DAY 5 - Saturday

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WARNING!!: Contains Violence and Abuse

Sam did have to listen to them fucking and in the morning she sits at the table hungover, tired and unimpressed. Nancy sits across from her.

"Sorry, about last night." Nancy starts on her excuses. "Noah was just... super in the mood."

"Oh, I heard. And it sounded... rough."

"Yeah..." Nancy's eyes stay on her plate. "It's kinky, but fun, you know."

"Fuck up." Nancy looks up. "Seriously, don't talk if you're just going to lie. Just sit there and say nothing." Sam looks down the hall, where the shower is now off, but Noah is yet to appear. "No, before he gets out, I want you to answer just one thing, seriously." Nancy blinks and glances at the hall, then back to Sam.


"Are you okay?"

"Of course." She doesn't hesitate, and it comes out naturally. "I'm fine."

"Okay." Sam smiles, but inside she sighs, because that was the most rehearsed answer she had ever seen Nancy give.

I don't know what's going on, Cee. But I'll find out. I always do.

Noah walks down the hall in just a towel and Sam doesn't even struggle to not look at him.

"We should go out again tonight." He says.

"I can't afford it." Sam gets up from the table and rinses her dishes.

"My shout." Noah offers and Sam smiles sweetly at him.

"I'd rather burst my own eardrums with a pencil, than go out with you again. Shotgun next shower."

She walks down the hall without looking back and Noah watches her go then walks over to Nancy who's still sat at the table. He puts his hands on her shoulders.

"If she doesn't want to go out tonight, maybe we could invite some people over instead. We haven't seen Greg in awhile." He leans down and gives her a look, then kisses her cheek and walks into their room.

Sam looks at the door as Nancy walks in.

"Can we please go out tonight?" She jumps on the bed and lies there. "Last night was so much fun and it's been so long since we've had fun together. Please!"

"Just us?"

"And Noah." Sam's enthusiastic smile fades and she looks away, continuing to towel her hair dry.

"What will you do if we fuck?" Nancy flinches.


"Well, that's what he wants to do, isn't it? What would you do if I got drunk tonight and don't manage to fend him off... or I just said yes?"

"I... uh. That would be okay."

"I told you not to talk if you're going to lie." Sam doesn't look at her. "But fine, let's go out."

Nancy stands and leaves the room without another word and Sam drops her towel and puts her fingers in her hair and squeezes her eyes shut.

What the fuck...

Somethings so wrong

Sam opens her eyes and takes a deep breath.

Fucking winging it, it is.

Sam keeps to herself for the day, and when she's talking with Nancy it's superficial stuff.

That night at the club, Sam downs yet another shot, and shakes her head at the taste. She is so much drunker than the night before. A hand takes hers and she opens her eyes and sees a smiling Sebastian pulling her onto the dancefloor.

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