DAY 6 - Aftermath

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Nancy sits at the kitchen table, they'd been in the room for hours.

It's been quiet for a little while, but when she knocked on the door Noah had told her to go away.

When the door finally opens, Nancy looks up. Sam takes a step out, wrapped in a bloody sheet, supported by Noah. They look like they've swum in blood and Nancy's eyes widen in horror.

"You want me to help you?" Noah says and Sam pulls her arm away from him with a wince.

"I want you to go jump off the roof." She steps towards the bathroom, and Nancy runs to her side, and grabs her arm. She looks at Noah, whose eyes are still on Sam.

"Help her clean up. I'll sort this room out." Nancy sees his neck, and he touches it at her look. "It's fine, go."

Nancy puts her arm under Sam's and Sam lets her friend help her to the bathroom. Sam leans on the vanity while Nancy runs the water.

"Are you okay?" Nancy says holding her hands out to help Sam over to the shower.

"It hurts to move and breathe. But you're okay, so I'm okay." Sam drops the sheet, then gets under the water, hissing slightly. "Can you do my back...? I can't..."

Nancy nods and runs the cloth down Sam's back and as the water washes away the blood, the marks underneath become obvious. She was covered in them from her neck down, bruises, scratches and bites. Nancy holds her hand out and lines it up with a set of bruises, that are obviously from Noah's fingertips.

"Done?" Sam asks quietly over her shoulder and Nancy gives her back one more gentle wash.

"Do you want me to wash your hair?"

"Nah, I got it."

"Okay, take your time. I'll bring you a towel." Sam doesn't say anything else, so Nancy closes the shower door and leaves, taking the sheet with her.

Noah's in the room staring at the stripped bed. He looks at Nancy as she walks in.

"We're gonna need a new bed." Nancy looks at it and sees the blood's seeped into the mattress in several spots, obvious outlines of various parts of the body.

"What did you do...?!" Nancy's frowning at him.

"Me?" Nancy looks at his neck. "The blood's mine. Well, most of it."

"I didn't expect that. You should let me look." She reaches for his neck, but he brushes her hand away.

"After I clean up." He looks back at the bed.

"You hurt her so much worse than you hurt me... You were too rough." And Noah half smiles.

"No, babe, I wasn't." He looks down to the floor. "So, new bed? And maybe carpet."

"I can get that out, go put the sheets and blankets in the wash and I'll sort it."

"Miracle worker." Noah smiles at her and leans in, but Nancy holds a hand up.

"After you stop looking like you've bathed in someone's blood." He smiles and picks the bedding up.

"Get her some clothes, let's go out and eat." He says as he walks out.

Nancy cleans the room, she knows how to get blood out, she's had plenty of experience. She finds some clothes, grabs a towel and goes back to the bathroom and knocks on the door.

"Just me." She slips into the room. "You done?" The shower turns off, Sam nods and Nancy passes her the towel. "Noah wants to go out to eat."

"Fuck Noah." She mutters.

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