Day 2 - Wednesday

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The next morning, Sam has breakfast with the pair, and insists on catching the bus back to her motel with a promise to return after Nancy finishes work, for dinner.

She arrives back at 7pm and they have dinner and the night passes.

"It's getting pretty late. Where's your motel?" Noah interrupts them.

"Oh, right." Sam looks at Nancy who glances at the clock.

"It's 11, that went so fast." Nancy agrees.

"Your motel?" Noah repeats, "Do you want a ride?"

"Yeah, actually that would be amazing. Then I don't have to catch the bus." Sam grabs Nancy's arm with a smile.

"I'll take her, so you can get ready for bed." Noah grabs his keys, and Nancy looks from Noah to Sam with an apologetic smile.

"Yeah, it is pretty late, and I have to get my stuff ready for work in the morning. Do you mind if I stay?"

"No," Sam answers in a rush, though she would much prefer her friend to be coming, "No, It's fine." Nancy nods and smiles and they hug again and Noah stands at the hallway waiting.

In the car Sam's quiet.

Somethings off about him.

"You alright?" She looks at him with raised eyebrows.

"Yeah, why?"

"You're just quiet for the first time in six hours."

"Yeah, I think I'm all talked out for today." She looks back out the window with a smile.

They pull into the hotel and Noah looks around. It's dimly lit and there are several rooms that have people sitting outside drinking or smoking. Sam has a look of distaste on her face.

"This is pretty rough." When they had left the house, Sam wanted nothing more than to get back to the motel and out of the car and now that she was here, getting out of the car was the last thing she wanted to do.

They watch a man stumbling down the path, trying each door as he goes, including the door to Sam's room.

"It didn't look this bad when the sun was up..." She concedes, but undoes her seatbelt anyway. "Okay, thank you so much for the ride. See you tomorrow." Sam fakes a smile at Noah and gets out of the car.

A group of men a few doors down call out to her and she looks away and walks slightly faster. She hears footsteps behind her and an arm drops over her shoulders. She turns and it's Noah and her heart stops thumping so loud.

"I'll walk you in." He gives the men a look and their calls quiet, and Sam breathes a sigh of relief.

They get to her room and Sam pulls out her key, and opens the door. She steps in and looks around, with Noah following her in. Her two bags are where she left them and the room is quiet, however there is some banging coming through the wall from the room next door.

"Okay, have a good night. And make sure you lock the door." He smirks and Sam hmphs.

"Maybe I like random drunk old men walking into my room in the middle of the night, when I'm hiding under my questionably clean motel blankets, too terrified to sleep."

"Did you want me to stay for awhile? I don't think you'd be the one terrified if it was me coming out from under the blankets."

"And why would you be coming from under the blankets?" Sam's looking at the wall where the intermittent banging is coming from, with a grossed out look on her face.

"Well, there's no need for you to hide under the blankets by yourself..." It takes Sam a second to process what he's said. She looks at him and reactively smiles.

"What?" Noah's looking at her and suddenly the feeling from the car has returned and Sam's very aware of how small the room is and how much space the bed takes up.

"I'm joking." Noah laughs easily, "Hope you can sleep with all that..." He points at the wall. "Lock the door." He walks out, pulling the door closed after him and Sam locks it.

Sam gets ready for bed and once she's in she sits staring at the wall with a grimace. There are now moans coming through along with banging. She turns the tv on and up and her phone rings.


"Noah told me the motel is dingy as fuck and that you might be sharing your bed with an old drunk tonight."

"It's not that-" Sam says but gets cut off.

"What am I hearing right now?"

"The TV... I had to turn it up."

"Why? It's like the middle of the night..."

"Because," Sam pushes the mute button on the remote, and the moans, cries and bangs come through the wall clearly. "That."

"No way," She laughs. "You have to listen to sex noises all night?!'

"God, I hope not." Sam looks up as the door handle to her room rattles. "Oh good, the old man's trying to get in again."

"Do you want to come stay here?"


"We have the spare room. Noah said it's okay if you want to. But he also said if you do it would be good if you could pay, like a board for the week."

"How much?"

"$300? For the week?"

"Seriously?! Yes! Yes, yes, yes. That would be brilliant. It's like $80 a night here."

"You want Noah to come back and get you now?"

"Nah." If Nancy had said she would come Sam would have said yes, but she's not overly keen on being alone with Noah again. "It's late. I think I should be good until tomorrow. I'll be there tomorrow night. Thank you so much!"

"Okay... Have a good night. Try not to let the sex noises keep you up." Nancy laughs. "And call if you change your mind about coming tonight."

"Okay. Night Cee."

Sam hangs the phone up with a smile that quickly turns to a grimace as the moans coming through the wall increase in pace.

Sam unmutes the TV and covers her head with the pillow.

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