DAY 1 - Tuesday

15 1 0

Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock.

Sam looks at the person who opens the door with surprise.


"Hi." The man stands head and shoulders taller than her. He has shaggy brown hair and is looking at her blankly.

"Uh, Noah right?"

"Who's asking..." He leans back unsure and obviously wasn't expecting her.

"I'm Sam. Samantha? Nancy's friend? She said she would be home at 6..."

"Oh," Realisation dawns on him and his posture changes and becomes more relaxed. "Right, the friend. She finishes at 6. She'll be home in like, forty minutes."

"Okay!" Sam says excitedly, "I'm early, of course. I was too excited. Could you get her to message me when she gets home? And I'll come back."

"Sure." He gives her a smile and she turns to leave. "Or you could just come in and wait?" He offers.

"Okay!" Sam spins and walks back.

Thank god, I have nowhere to go for 40 minutes.

Noah opens the door and invites her in and she walks down the short hallway and looks around the main lounge area.

Nancy had lived here for two years, but this was the first time Sam had been here.

"Would you like something to drink?"

"Please, coffee. One sugar and milk." She keeps looking around.

The room isn't decorated like she thought it would be. There are a few photos around and a painting on one wall, but it was surprisingly bare. Nancy had always been big on covering her walls in photos, shelves in ornaments, and floors in rugs for as long as Sam had known her.

Nancy and Samantha had known each other most of their lives, and had been best friends since high school. But after high school, Nancy had moved to the otherside of the country to go to University, and Sam had stayed in their hometown and got a job.

Despite the distance, they remained best friends and spoke every week, even if they had only seen each other a few times over the years when Nancy had come home to visit.

Maybe Noah likes a more minimalist environment.

Sam thinks and she glances at Noah, Nancy's boyfriend of 2 and half years, as he makes her drink. This was her first time meeting him as well.

Nancy had never brought Noah home with her, so the most Sam knew about him was what Nancy had told her, which if Sam thought about it, wasn't too much.

She knows that he works as a builder and contractor, and that's how the two had met. Sam knows he's good looking because she has eyes and it's obvious. Sam knows he doesn't have a lot of close family, and that Nancy is his world.

She looks away and pulls out her phone.

I thought you said you'd be home @ 6
But you finish @ 6 😩
So I'm at your house

Oh shit.
Is Noah home?

Ya bois much better
looking in person 🤤
He's making me a drink
I'm standing in your
Hot or not
This going to be
awkward af
Hurry 🙃


SamAlso,excuse meHe didn't know I was coming??Always fun showing up unannounced🙋🏽‍♀️

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