Chapter 0 - Prologue

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Author's note: Well I will start with a prologue for Paris and her sisters, how she will meet them and all the others, cause she just moved and getting to know the place as then there is a demon that attacks her and the charmed ones comes and rescue her. Oh and it's set in season 3 between episode 11 and 12.


Prologue/ Start of Paris's story.

Paris was walking around in her new surroundings as then she walked around the corner and then a man appeared out of now where. "Miss Blanchard." He growled.

Paris turned around and saw the man as she comment. "Who the hell are you and how do you know me?"

"Not of your business, miss." He growled again as then he attacked her.

Just then the charmed ones came as Paris sat on the ground, nearly unconscious. Then one of the girls shouted. "Leo!" As the others vanquished him and Leo came. They didn't saw her face yet as Leo saw her and healed her. When he was done, one of the girls shook Paris a bit and said. "Miss?"

Paris opened her eyes and looked at her rescuers. "Oh, what happened?"

They looked at her in shock. "Mom.," The woman with black hair whispered.

"I'm nobody's mom." Paris groaned as she stood up. "I'm Paris, btw."

"Sorry, you just look like op someone we knew." The black haired woman said.

"Oh, I'm sorry for your lose." Paris told her.

"Thanks, but it was a long time ago." The black haired woman nodded.

"Btw, what are your names?" Paris looked at all of them.

"I'm Prue and these are Piper, Phoebe and Leo." The black haired / Prue replied to her.

"Oh, hello." She comment to them happily. "So, what did you guys rescue me from?" She asked to them.

"A demon." Phoebe replied to her. "You are a witch?"

"Yeah." Paris nodded. "But that's all I know, never met my mother and my father isn't a witch, that's for sure." She snored at the last bit. "And you are?"

"We are witch's like you." Phoebe replied to her.

"But why are you attacked?" Piper asked to her.

"I have no idea, but he knows my name, but that's impossible, cause I'm new here in this town." Paris replied to her.

Leo thought out loud. "Maybe you should do with is and look in the book of shadows that for demon it is."

"What, why?" Paris looked confused. "It's gone, right?"

"Well, we want to know for sure." Prue replied to her.

"And you just let me come with you guys, but you don't know me." She looked at them in disbelieve.

"But we need to know what for demon it is and you can help us." Phoebe replied to her.

Paris looked at the others. "So you all agree with her? I don't know." She sighed.

"Please you can help us." Phoebe pleaded.

"She's right, you can help us." Prue sighed, but she still didn't know why she looked like their mother, guess time will tell.

Paris looked at Piper and Leo. "What do you think?"

"I think you should come and help us look for the demon." Piper replied to her.

"Okay, I will come with you guys." Paris nodded to them.


"So your father lives in France, but you live here shortly, why the sudden thought to come here?" Phoebe asked to her as they were in the manor, their home.

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